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[Opinions] names of people from my dreams
I have semi-realistic dreams about every night. these are names I remember.Franciscus
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I'm impressed that you dreamt the Latin version. Have you seen the entry on this site? "Latin form of Francis. This is also the official Dutch form, used on birth certificates but typically rendered Frans in daily life." I'd never have guessed that there was an official Dutch form of Frans, and that this was it - thank you!
Bulus is interesting! It's also interesting that it exists at all: not many European names turn up in Arab dress.
Josh is pleasant.
When I saw Yardena, I thought of Garden, not Jordan - my bad.
I'd never heard of Nadav - what a dreadful story, but a good meaning.
Wayne makes my toes curl up in horror, mostly because I really, really don't like it but also because the only Waynes I've known haven't impressed me at all. Unfair, I know.
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the Franciscus in my dream was pope Francis. in Israel, the popes are known by the hebrew and latin versions of their names. John Paul- Yochanan Paulus, for example.
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Josh nn Joshua is ok
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