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[Opinions] Re: Which Names have been ruined
in reply to a message by E-J
I try not to let things like that ruin names for me, especially because trends and associations can die down. However, Lolita's connection to the book has not changed. It's a beautiful and cute name, though. Might be safer as a middle name or nickname. It was the character's nickname anyway. I never liked the sound of look or Bryce, but Bryce from 13 Reasons Why makes me feel sick - in the book and the show. Bella was almost ruined for me. I used to hate it specifically because of Isabella "Bella" Swan from Twilight. Now, the only reason I wouldn't use it for a child is because of how common it is.The Marilyn Monroe (no hate to her, only the controversy) association used to put me off Marilyn, but it's quite pretty. It's just not really my style, nor is it my favorite name that comes from Mary.
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