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[Games] Re: Fish CAF: Round 7
in reply to a message by Gabi
DH: Kurt Brenton Fromm
DW: Eliana Adele Fromm (nee Wolters)DD: Adele Fabienne Ottosen-Fromm
-DW: Adamina Xanthe Ottosen-FrommDD: Fiona Lysette Langston (nee Fromm)
-DH: John Fitzroy LangstonDD: Astrid Marilla Hernandez (nee Fromm)
-DH: Saul Mathieu HernandezDS: Preston Hyrum Fromm
-DW: Izolda Erato Fromm (nee Morrison)DS: Cedric Johannes Ferreiro-Fromm
-DH: Lionel Len Ferreiro-FrommDD: Keeva Linnaea Martínez-Fromm
-DW: Zavia Shannon Martínez-FrommDog1: Rhys
Dog2: ElianeKurt & Eliana Fromm: Adele, Fiona, Astrid, Preston, Cedric, & Keeva
Adele & Adamina Ottosen-Fromm
Fiona & John Langston
Astrid & Saul Hernandez
Preston & Izolda Fromm
Cedric & Lionel Ferreiro-Fromm
Keeva & Zavia Martínez-Fromm~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost" -The Lord of the Rings
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