[Opinions] Billie (f)
I think it’s cute and reminds me of the “Days of Our Lives”character.
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If I was not a fan of Billie Eilish, I probably would not like this name for a boy or a girl. From an unbiased perspective, it sounds kind of childish.
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I very strongly dislike this name. Reminds me of Billie Eilish who I can't say I like much.
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I remember that Days character! And her business line "Princess Wilhelmina" or whatever it was. Ah, memories of high school, I used to watch it after class sometimes, before I switched to Passions! I like Billie a lot, gives me warm nostalgia for my teenage years when I went through a heavy Billie Holliday phase. I do love Billie Holliday.I'm never sure if I like it as-is or if I prefer it as a nickname for Wilhelmina.... I should give Wilhelmina more love, honestly. It comes with the opportunity to use some of my favourite nicknames like Billie, Minnie, and Mina. Yeah! That's a great name.
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I really like it. I think it’s very tomboyish!
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I know quite a few Billies and think it's really cute, but if I were to use it ever it'd be a nickname for Willa or Wilhelmina.
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Billie is a fun name. My step-siblings had a great-aunt they called Aunt B, and for a long time I misunderstood that moniker as "Aunt Bea" and thought her name was Beatrice. Nope: B was an initial, and her name was Billie Rose.I thought the sibset of Venita, Billie, and Shirley (my step-grandma) was a fun one, indeed.
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I would think that too about Aunt B.
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I don't like it at all, maybe as a nn for a boy
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I first think of Billie Piper, who played Rose Tyler in Doctor Who.I also think it’s cute but would use it as a nn for Willa rather than a given name (to give her options as an adult)
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