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[Games] Re: Fish CAF: Round 7
in reply to a message by Gabi
H: Monte Constantine (LN: Jager)
W: Adele Avalon (LN: Tobin)
Dog1: Rhys
Dog2: Millicent ‘Millie’

D: Avalon Margo
-W: Xanthe Eleanor (LN: Blum)D: Fiona Delilah
-H: Talbot Kaiser ‘Tal’ (LN: Langston)D: Kora Charlotte
-W: Ella Emmaline (LN: Ackerman)S: Rufus Findlay
-W: Hazel Eris (LN: Morrison)S: Callahan Benjamin
-W: Fay Leanne (LN: Aloi)S: Ridley Hershel
-H: Atlas Jonas (LN: Martínez)
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