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[Games] Re: Fish CAF: Round 7
in reply to a message by Gabi
H: Cameron Anton Rice
W: Carla Ariadna [Cardoso] RiceD1: Natasha Carla [Rice] Ottosen
H: Bodie Christen OttosenS1: Beckham Cameron Rice
W: Jayma Meadow [Langston] RiceS2: Deacon Blake Rice
H: Saul Porter AckermanD2: Althea Sebastiana [Rice] McCormick (twin to D3)
H: Leland Beauregard McCormickD3: Fern Isadora [Rice] Sims (twin to S2)
H: Erik Tyler Sims S3: Ridley Dex Rice
W: Morgan Celine [Brun] Rice Dog1: Thane
Dog2: Annelie
Cameron & Carla || Nat, Beckham, Deacon, Thea, Fern and Ridley (Thane & Annie)
...Bodie & Nat
...Beckham & Jayma
...Deacon & Saul
...Leland & Thea
...Erik & Fern
...Ridley & Morgan
"Mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, Darling." - Inception
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