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[Opinions] A few names
Laurie (m)Mariel
OdileWDYT? I watched the 2019 movie Little Women on my plane ride home yesterday and was really struck by the name Laurie (short for Lawrence / Laurence). Mariel and Odile I've just been enjoying lately.
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Laurie is a nice nickname, I don't know how I feel about it being standalone. It does sound more sophisticated than Larry, though.
I love the name Mariel. Its soft, sweet and floaty.
I don't like the appearance or pronunciation of Odile.
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Laurie is OK but only as a nn. Better than Larry.Mariel is quite nice: more interesting than Marion and streets ahead of Muriel. How would you pronounce it? I say it like Mary'll.A good friend, Dutch and named Odile, was a diabetic and died too young. Then there's the Black Swan in Swan Lake! But I prefer Odile to Odette.
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I think I like more of the soft mahr-ee-el prn myself.I feel the Black Swan reference when I think of it! I also prefer it to Odette; all I could think of with Odette is "owe debt."
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That is so funny (and a bit weird). Two of my friends are name Marielle and Odile. They are very nice people and I like their names. Laurie or Lawrence, I have no opinion on. Not my pick at all, but it isn't horrible either.
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They have wonderful names! ;)
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Lawrence is ok, as is Mariel, don't like Odile
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I like Mariel & Laurie (m) {I prefer Laurence over Lawrence}
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