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[Opinions] Sophie Adeline
This is what my coworker is planning on naming her daughter. I was surprised, she tends to like 'cowboy' names. Previous names she brought up were Waylon for boys and Remington nn Remy for girls.I think it's sweet, and it honors her grandmothers. Sophie isn't that common around here, or least I haven't come across that many.
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Its a nice combo, if not predictable.
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Sounds lovely. So much better than the other names, very pretty name
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I can sort of see the cowboy-ness of it.... Adeline is pretty twangy, anyway. Sophie is gently old fashioned. It is a sweet name!
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It just sounds trendy and boring.
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Sounds like a little French girl with her hair in ringlets.
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Lol! I'm going to share that with my coworker, she'll find it hilarious.I have a sweet spot for Sophie, probably because I have a wonderful niece with the name. And it's a better choice, imho, than Remington.
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Oh, I'm not saying it's bad, that's just the image it gives me.
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