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[Opinions] Re: Micah - is it unisex?
I've seen Micah on a girl a couple times. It works fine but I prefer Micah for a boy and Mica for a girl (as a word name for the mineral).
Micah on a boy has a specific soft and feminine kind of tone that makes it appealing. It seems intelligent and well thought out. That tone is sort of wasted on a girl IMO, and it comes off as... careless maybe? Like an English speaker heard a name with "ah" on the end and went "that ending sounds girly, I'll use this name for a girl".
(I realize this comment is silly coming from someone who likes Luca on a girl! But that's my impression when I meet boys named Micah and girls named Micah.)

This message was edited 1/1/2024, 2:02 PM

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