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[Games] Re: generation caf 4.1
in reply to a message by Evie
DH [93] "Jim" James Nicholas Thorpe
DW [93] Diana Jane Holden ThorpeDD1 [72] Rachel Rose Thorpe Rhodes
DS1 [70] Hugo Alaric Thorpe
DS2 [67] Aaron Benjamin Thorpe*
DD1 [72] Rachel Rose Thorpe Rhodes
DH [72] Charles Anthony RhodesDD [51] "Liz" Elizabeth Diana Rhodes Weston
- DH [54] "Joe" Joseph Patrick Weston Sr.
- DS [25] "Joey" Joseph Patrick Weston Jr.
- DD [24] "Lena" Helena Elizabeth Weston Cartwright
-- DH [27] Robert William Cartwright
-- DS [3] "Liam" William Robert Cartwright
-- DS [2] "Rusty" Russell Walter Cartwright
-- DS [nb] "Leo" Leon Franklin Cartwright
DS [50] "Dex" Dexter Charles Rhodes
- DW [45] "Pippa" Philippa Sophia Brennan Rhodes
- DS [7] Charlie Brennan Rhodes
- DD [4] Annalie Philippa Rhodes
DS [50] Damien Nathaniel Rhodes
- ExW1 [50] Blaire Juliette Bradshaw Rhodes Duffy
-- DS [31] "DJ" Damien Nathaniel Rhodes Jr.
--- DW [28] Layla Kimber O'Sullivan Rhodes
--- DS [nb] Carson Dayton Rhodes
-- DD [29] Gemma Thalia Rhodes
-- DS [27] Rex Phineas Rhodes
--- Dgf [27] Delilah Gypsy Farrell
- ExW2 [49] Mavis Louisiana Sanderson Rhodes Crawford
-- DD [21] Evangeline Cora Rhodes
-- DD [18] Caroline Valencia Rhodes
- DW [43] Cecily Sheppard Rhodes
-- DS [9] Saxon Cole Rhodes
-- DS [4] Nolan Owen Rhodes
DS [47] Jackson Warren Rhodes
- DW [43] Khadija Basira Bousaid Rhodes
- DD [18] Aaliyah Faith Rhodes
- DD [17] Nadia Kate Rhodes
- DD [14] Tahira Stella Rhodes
- DD [11] Yasmina Amira Rhodes
- DS [8m] Jamal Jackson Rhodes
DD [44] Grace Olive Rhodes
- ExFiance [46] Noah Ciaran Manning
-- DS [17] Finlay Eamon Manning
- DW [36] Sybil Mae Rahman
-- DD [3] Georgina Dahlia Rhodes
-- DD [ex] Christina Esther Rahman
DS [42] Noel Frederick Rhodes
- ExW [42] Isabella Priscilla Doherty Rhodes Franklin
- DS [6] Enzo Forrest Rhodes
DS [39] Alexander Wilder Rhodes
- ADS [2] Finnegan Cassian Rafe Rhodes
DD [31] Danica Anastasia Rhodes
- Dfiance [27] Lorenzo Andrea Leonardo Deluca
DS1 [70] Hugo Alaric Thorpe
DW [68] "Fina' Dafina Vesa Dibra ThorpeDD [41] Jasmine Dafina Thorpe Steele
- DH [42] Bennett Carter Steele
- DS [10] "Ben" Benton Reid Steele
- DS [8] Roman Linus Steele
- DD [2] Dafina Maren Steele
DD [40] Lillian Meredith Thorpe Winter
- DH [45] "Matt" Matthew Emerson Winter
- DD [17] "Mari" Marianna Tilley Winter
- DD [15] Miley Moriah Winter
-- Dbf [15] Brian Conrad Mathias Royce Trevor Zak [Naylor Fitzgerald Finch]
- DS [13] "Mattie" Matthew Emerson Winter Jr.
- DD [10] Avery Elaine Winter
- DD [7] Ellerie Katherine Winter
- DD [nb] Isla Elowen Winter
DD [32] Ivy Kaltrina Thorpe
- Dfiancee [29] Magnolia Marsden
DS2 [67] Aaron Benjamin Thorpe Sr.
ExW [67] Sylvie Romilly Vincent Thorpe ChandlerDD [49] Felicity Sylvie Thorpe Sharpe
- DH [53] Byron Harris Sharpe
- DS [22] Harris Byron Sharpe
-- DW [24] Davina Mailys Collier Sharpe
-- DD & DS [4m] "Nora" Annora Felicity Sharpe & Tristan Byron Sharpe
- DD [20] Celeste Luciana Sharpe
-- DD [6] Violet Milena Sharpe
- DS [18] Daniel Peyton Sharpe
- DS [15] Callum Lennox Sharpe
- DD [9] Beth Milly Sharpe
DS [47] "AJ" Aaron Benjamin Thorpe Jr.
- DW [42] Verity Beulah Sinclair Thorpe
- DD [7] Gracelynne Emily Thorpe
- DS [4] Sebastian Oliver Thorpe
DD [45] Camille Irene Thorpe
- DH [46] Lev Shapiro
- DS [16] Lev Aaron Shapiro
- DS [14] Cael Conan Shapiro
- DS [11] Elvis Hendrix Shapiro
- DD [9] Bridget Gwendolyn Shapiro
- DD [3] Katerina Eliana ShapiroExFiancee [65] Odessa Bella Daly GardinerDS [40] Elijah Joel Thorpe
- DW [37] Maëlys Renée Leblanc Thorpe
- DS [5] Etienne Elijah Thorpe
- DS [3] Olivier Ludovic Thorpe
- DD & DD [nb] Cerise Odessa Thorpe & Céline Émilienne ThorpeDW [64] Lorraine Olivia Wallis ThorpeDS [31] Mason Brennen Thorpe Sr.
- DW [32] Natalie Lourdes Chamberlain Thorpe
- DS [11] "Brennen" Mason Brennen Thorpe Jr.
- DD [9] Lilibeth Marguerite Thorpe
- DS [6] Cameron Brayden Thorpe
- DD [ex] Carina Amabel Thorpe- - -
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