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[Games] Re: generation caf 4.1
in reply to a message by Evie
DH (93) Nicholas Louis Thorpe
DW (93) Lucy Diana (Tomlinson) Thorpe DD1 (72) Rose Marley (Thorpe)
DS1 (70) Hugo Oliver Thorpe
DS2 (67) Oscar Remy Thorpe Nicky and Lucy || RosieHugoOscar *
DD1 (72) Rose Marley (Thorpe) Ashton
DH (72) George Henry Ashton DD (51) Charlotte Lucy (Ashton) Weston
- DH (54) Freddie Joseph Weston
- DS (25) Freddie Joseph Weston
- DD (24) Louisa Charlotte (Weston) Pugh
-- DH (27) Thomas Michael Pugh
-- DS (3) Michael Thomas Pugh
-- DS (2) Jack Walter Pugh
-- DS (nb) Leon Harry Pugh
Louisa and Tommy || MikeyJackLeon
Lottie and Freddie || FreddieLouisa DS (50) Lazlo George Ashton
- DW (45) Sophia Louise (Bowen) Ashton
- DS (7) Arthur Bowen Ashton
- DD (4) Rose Sophia Ashton
Lazlo and Sophia || ArthurRosieDS (50) August Albert Ashton
- ExW1 (50) Everly Adalyn Duffy
- DS (31) August Albert Ashton
-- DW (28) Luna Macy (Archer) Ashton
-- DS (nb) Jules Brooks Ashton
August and Luna || Jules
- DD (29) Marlow Thalia Ashton
- DS (27) Leo Murphy Ashton
-- Dgf (27) Hazel Georgia Bentley
Leo with girlfriend Hazel
Gus and Everly || August • Marlow • Leo
- ExW2 (49) Margo Pearl Crawford
- DD (21) Evangeline Willa Ashton
- DD (18) Harlow Valencia Ashton
Gus and Margo || EvieHarlow
- DW (43) Cecily (Giles) Ashton
- DS (9) Xander Cole Ashton
- DS (4) Owen Yves Ashton
Gus and Cecily || XanderOwen DS (47) Jackson Levi Ashton
- DW (43) Basira (Ali) Ashton
- DD (18) Aaliyah Honor Ashton
- DD (17) Nadia Kate Ashton
- DD (14) Ruba Lilith Ashton
- DD (11) Amira Sophie Ashton
- DS (8m) Jamal Jackson Ashton
Jackson and Basira || AaliyahNadiaRubaAmiraJamalDD (44) Grace Olive Ashton-Law
- Exfiance (46) Noah Reuben Houghton
- DS (17) Finlay Shea Houghton
Grace and Noah || Finlay
- DW (36) Mae Lily Ashton-Law
- DD (3) Betty Dahlia Ashton-Law
- DD (exp) Christina Esther Ashton-Law
Grace and Mae || Betty • exp Christina DS (42) Percy Frederick Ashton
- ExW (42) Isabella Jemima Moran
- DS (6) Enzo Ford Ashton
Percy and Izzy || Enzo DS (39) Alexander Christopher Ashton
- ADS (2) Theron Cassian Rafe Ashton
Alex with son TheronDD (31) Imogen Sarah Ashton
- Dfiance (27) Lorenzo Massimo Andrea Deluca
Imogen with fiancé Lorenzo Rosie and George || Lottie • Lazlo • GusJacksonGracePercyAlexImogen *
DS1 (70) Hugo Oliver Thorpe
DW (68) Jehona (Hoxha) Thorpe DD (41) Jasmine Jehona (Thorpe) Coles
- DH (42) Lawrence Bennett Coles
- DS (10) Sullivan Aurelius Coles
- DS (8) Roman Linus Coles
- DD (2) Jehona Demetria Coles
Jasmine and Lawrie || SullivanRomanJehona DD (40) Mirela Lillian (Thorpe) Winter
- DH (45) Seamus Emmanuel Winter
- DD (17) Betsey Marianna Winter
- DD (15) Lena Nelly Winter
-- Dbf (15) Zak Conrad Finch
Lena with boyfriend Zak
- DS (13) Seamus Emmanuel Winter
- DD (10) Rosanna Avery Winter
- DD (7) Alba Katherine Winter
- DD (nb) Isla Clemency Winter
Mirela and Seamus || Betsey • LenaSeamusRosieAlbaIsla DD (32) Ivy Agnesa Thorpe
- Dfiancee (29) Ottilie Marsden
Ivy with fiancee Ottilie Hugo and Jehona || JasmineMirelaIvy *
DS2 (67) Oscar Remy Thorpe
ExW (67) Winter Poppy Chadwick DD (49) Felicity Winter (Thorpe) Nolan
- DH (53) Byron Lewis Nolan
- DS (22) Lewis Byron Nolan
-- DW (24) Alma Mailys (Faulkner) Nolan
-- DD & DS (4m) Esther Felicity Nolan & Tristan Byron Nolan
Lewis and Alma || EstherTristan
- DD (20) Celeste Luciana Nolan
-- DD (6) Violet Flora Nolan
Celeste with Violet
- DS (18) Alexander Daniel Nolan
- DS (15) Callum Lennox Nolan
- DD (9) Milly Ida Nolan
Felicity and Byron || LewisCelesteAlexCallumMilly DS (47) Oscar Remy Thorpe
- DW (42) Ginny Adelia (Bryan) Thorpe
- DD (7) Emily Eve Thorpe
- DS (4) Oliver Sebastian Thorpe
Oscar and Ginny || EmilyOliver DD (45) Rosa Camille (Thorpe) Landau
- DH (46) Lev Landau
- DS (16) Lev Oscar Landau
- DS (14) Shay Conan Landau
- DS (11) Gil Liron Landau
- DD (9) Dorit Gwendolyn Landau
- DD (3) Nava Rory Landau
Rosa and Lev || LevShayGilDoritNava Oscar and Winter || FelicityOscarRosa ExFiancee (65) Seren Bella Daly DS (40) Joel Elijah Thorpe
- DW (37) Marceline Lilou (Mercier) Thorpe
- DS (5) Pierre Joel Thorpe
- DS (3) Ludovic Alfie Thorpe
- DD & DD (nb) Aurelie Seren Thorpe & Ariane Céline Thorpe
Joel and Marceline || PierreLudovicAurelieArianeOscar and Seren || Joel DW (64) Olivia Zahara (Sims) Thorpe DS (31) Mason Cooper Thorpe
- DW (32) Lourdes Natalie (Swift) Thorpe
- DS (11) Mason Cooper Thorpe
- DD (9) Florence Marguerite Thorpe
- DS (6) Jayden Francis Thorpe
- DD (exp) Carina Maple Thorpe
Mason and Lourdes || MasonFlossieJayden • exp Carina Oscar and Olivia || Mason
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