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[Opinions] Re: Hot Take: Nicknames Are Overrated
I suspect name enthusiasts are especially prone to go for nicknames because it gives you two names for the price of one. For us, the more names you can use, the better, right?However, I too think that nicknames are overrated (however much I'd be tempted to use them on a kid). I've always appreciated having a name that isn't prone to being nicknamed. I don't ever have to decide which name to write down for myself, because my name is my name, period.For my taste, I think possibly the worst name to nickname is Phillip. Phillip sounds so classic and dignified. Phil or Pip...not so much.Edit: I do really appreciate some classic nicknames, though. I love Bess for Elizabeth, partly because of The Highwayman -"...the landlord’s black-eyed daughter,
Bess, the landlord’s daughter,
Plaiting a dark red love-knot into her long black hair."

This message was edited 1/5/2024, 4:28 AM

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My mother, Beatrice, had a friend who always called her Bess. Nobody ever asked why, and my mother didn't mind.
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Bess is definitely an underrated nickname for Elizabeth!
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