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[Games] Re: generation caf 13.1
in reply to a message by Evie
DH [92] Flynn Niall Reynolds
DW [dec aged 90] Arden Haidee [Snyder] ReynoldsDS1 [70] Flynn Niall Reynolds Jr.
DS2 [67] Owen Theodore Reynolds
DD1 [65] Mireille Saffron Reynolds
DS3 [60] Hugh Wyatt Reynolds*DS1 [70] Flynn Niall Reynolds Jr.
DW [70] Indigo Lilah [Perry] ReynoldsDD [47] Catharina Peyton [Reynolds] West
- DH [52] Colin Adrian West
- DS [25] Kasper Vincent West
-- DW [28] Ember Nova [Barnes] West
-- DS [4] Zachary Blake West
-- DS [2] Arthur Theo West
-- DD [exp] Zadie Sky West
- DD [23] Allison Daisy West
- DD [22] Dahlia Bianca West
-- Dfiance [24] Enzo Hudson Schmidt
-- DD [1] Erin Cleo Schmidt
-- DD [exp] Eloise Heather Schmidt
- DS [19] Milo Rocco West
- DS [17] Luca Viggo West
-- Dgf [17] Martha Viola Gibson
-- DS [exp] Elio Bennett Gibson-West
- DD [14] Violet Scarlett West
- DS [12] Miles Lennon West
- DS [8] Jude Hendrix WestDD [44] Lane Eleanor [Reynolds] Kovac
- DH [43] Mirek Kovac
- DD [17] Lucy Agnesa Kovac
- DD [15] Penny Margita Kovac
- DD [12] Hannah Tereza Kovac
- DS [4] Lennox Mirek KovacDD [40] Maisie Lorelei [Reynolds] Reynolds-Henderson
- ExFiance [42] Leo Caspian Wallace
-- DS [16] Caspian Leo Wallace
-- DS [14] Morgan Emery Wallace
- DW [33] Florence Alisha [Henderson] Reynolds-Henderson
-- DS [4] Ronan Sebastian Reynolds-Henderson
-- DS [1] Murphy Mateo Reynolds-Henderson*DS2 [67] Owen Theodore Reynolds
DW [64] Monique Chantal [Lavigne] Reynolds

DS [41] Adam Philippe Reynolds
- DW [37] Sophie Alina [Jenkins] Reynolds
- DD [13] Monique Chantal Reynolds
- DS [11] Damon André Reynolds
- DS [8] Elliot Jean-Luc Reynolds
- DD [6] Thérèse Nadine Reynolds
- DS [2] Yannick Ivan ReynoldsDS [40] Luc Olivier Reynolds
- ExW [41] Alma Johanna Webb {Reynolds}
- DS [9] Etienne Antoine ReynoldsDS [38] Jamison Emmanuel Reynolds
- Dgf [34] Eliza Aurora RoseDD [25] Penelope Odette Reynolds
- DD [nb] Imogene Penelope Reynolds*DD1 [65] Mireille Saffron [Reynolds] {Nichols} {Shaw} CrawfordExH1 [65] Peter Kaden NicholsDS [46] Peter Kaden Nichols
- DW [43] Blake Dakota [Alexander] Nichols
- DD [14] Dakota Riley Nichols
- DD [12] Adriana Isabelle Nichols
- DS [5] Peter Kaden Nichols Jr.DD [44] Cate Bridget [Reynolds] Simpson
- DH [45] Saul Brannon Simpson
- DD [16] Alabama Cate Simpson
- DS [14] Brannon Saul Simpson
- DD [10] Elizabeth Holly Simpson
- DD [7] Layla Monroe SimpsonExH2 [64] Jared Evander ShawDD [40] Rachel Selena [Shaw] {Black} Haugen
- ExH [42] Thomas Alonzo Black
-- DD [19] Sienna Veronica Black
--- DD [5m] Harper Brighton Black
-- DD [17] Kendall Phoebe Black
-- DD [14] Ruby Angeline Black
- DH [38] Bjørn Morten Haugen
-- DS [4] Nils Bjørn Haugen
-- DD [9m] Marianne Agnethe HaugenDS [38] Jared Evander Shaw Jr.DD [36] Juliet Lyra [Shaw] Shaw-O'Callaghan
- DW [25] Maeve Aisling [O'Callaghan] Shaw-O'CallaghanDH [64] Dante Andre CrawfordDHD [35] Shiloh Marigold [Crawford] Porter
- DH [35] Leon Isaiah Porter
- DD [7] Rory Shiloh Porter
- DS [5] Malik Leon Porter
- DD [3] Sage Bronwen Porter
- DD [nb] Arden Haidee PorterDS [30] Dante Andre Crawford Jr.
- DW [30] Isla Zoe [O'Brien] Crawford
- DS [4] Romeo Terrence Crawford
- DS [18m] Jasper Cedric CrawfordDS [27] Daxton Kairo Crawford
- Dbf [26] Rhett Maddox Coleman*DS3 [60] Hugh Wyatt ReynoldsExW [59] Caitlin Stella Richards {Reynolds}DD [38] Rebecca Caitlin [Reynolds] {Bishop} {Spencer} Ventura
- ExH1 [39] Jack Archer Bishop
-- DS [16] August Leonardo Bishop
- ExH2 [41] Roman Winston Spencer
-- DS [13] Winston Roman Spencer
-- DS [12] Bruno Nathaniel Spencer
-- DD [10] Ashton Rebecca Spencer
- DH [36] Javier Salvador Ventura
-- DHS [9] Miguel Javier Ventura
-- DS [4] Hugo Diego Ventura
-- DD [exp] Alba Jimena VenturaDS [36] Orlando Harvey Reynolds
- DW [33] Cora Helena [Riley] Reynolds
- DD [13] Halle Louisa Reynolds
- DD & DD [11] Hermione Rooney Reynolds & Olympia Katarina Reynolds
- DD [7] Zinnia Wren Reynolds
- DS [5] Harvey Orlando Reynolds
- DS [2] Robin Timothy ReynoldsDD [33] Margot Dallas Reynolds
- Dgf [33] Chloe Taylor LawrenceDH [57] Xavier Conrad Beckett DeanADS [27] Luca Forest Reynolds-Dean
- DW [25] Carol Alexis [George] Reynolds-Dean
- DD [4] Elly Ginger Reynolds-Dean
- DD [2] Blossom Jasmine Reynolds-Dean
- ADS [nb] Rhys Callum Reynolds-DeanDD [12] Shelby Ada Reynolds-Dean
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