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[Games] Re: generation caf 16.1
in reply to a message by Evie
DH [dec at 94]: Aristotle Alexander Keller Sr. "Tolly"
DW [92]: Coralie Clementine Keller (née Day)DS1 [71]: Aristotle Alexander Keller Jr. "Tolly"
DS2 [70]: Leonardo Harold Keller Sr. "Leo"
DD1 [67]: Winnie Clodagh Hartman (née Keller)
DD2 [65]: Lettie Athena Keller
DS3 [57]: Frederick Dominic Keller "Fred"Tolly Sr. & Coralie; Tolly Jr., Leo, Winnie, Lettie, and Fred*DS1 [Tolly Jr., 71]:
DW [69]: Demetria Eulalia Keller (née Dean)DS [49]: Aristotle Alexander Keller III "Alexander"
- DW [47]: Iris Margaret Keller (née Becker)
- DD [26]: Lydia Demetria Matthews (née Keller)
-- DH [32]: Grant Harrison Matthews
-- DS [3]: Samuel Leopold Matthews
-- DD [nb]: Penelope Lydia Matthews "Poppy"
- DS [24]: Aristotle Alexander Keller IV "Xander"
- DS [22]: Sebastian William Keller "Bastian"
-- DBf [25]: Ezekiel Kaleo Greene
- DD [19]: Thalia Persephone Keller
- DD [17]: Philippa Zoe Keller "Pippa"
-- DBf [21]: Henry Peregrine Prescott
-- DS [exp]: Tobias Elijah Prescott "Toby"
- DD [14]: Ariana Julia Keller
- DS [12]: Gideon Ptolemy Keller
- DS [8]: Rowan Hezekiah KellerDD [45]: Sophia Beatrice Cohen (née Keller)
- DH [45]: Alaric Silas Cohen
- DS [21]: August Fraser Cohen
- DS [19]: Rhys Arthur Cohen
-- DGf [19]: Emma Laura Austin
- DS [16]: Winston Roland Cohen
-- DGf [16]: Evangeline Aurora Lambert "Evie"
- DS [5]: Daniel Emrys CohenTolly Jr. & Demetria; Alexander and Sophia
Alexander & Iris; Lydia, Xander, Bastian, Thalia, Pippa, Ariana, Gideon, and Rowan
Lydia & Grant; Samuel and Poppy
Bastian & Ezekiel
Pippa & Henry; exp Toby
Sophia & Alaric; August, Rhys, Winston, and Daniel
Rhys & Emma
Winston & Evie*DS2 [Leo, 70]:
ExW1 [70]: Pandora Harlow Wolfe (formerly Keller)DS [50]: Leonardo Harold Keller Jr. "Leo"
- DW [44]: Scarlett Willow Keller (née Lucas)
- DD [20]: Pandora Scarlett Keller
- DD [18, twin]: Eleanor Daisy Keller
-- DGf [24]: Josephine Renee Swanson "Jodie"
- DS [18, twin]: Lucas Leonardo Keller
- DS [15]: Raphael River Keller
-- DGf [15]: Adelaide Violet Steele "Addy"
- DD [13]: Juliet Louisa Keller
- DS [10]: Elias Alfred Keller
- DS [7]: Gabriel Francis KellerDD [48]: Harlow Pandora Keller
- DW [40]: Eszter Nikolett Almássy
- DD [6]: Gwyneira Rozina Almássy-Keller
- DD [2]: Noelia Kamilla Almássy-KellerDS [46]: Luther Roderick Keller
- DGf [33]: Amy Kate Fischer
- DS [1]: Atticus Michael KellerExW2 [68]: Sara Melissa Reid (formerly Keller)DS [43, twin]: Reid Edgar Keller
- DW [39]: Eliana Joy Keller (née Gallagher)
- DD [16]: Hadley Sage Keller
- DD [15]: Piper Skye Keller
- DS [13]: Ellis Ford Keller
- DD [10]: Mercy Hestia Keller
- DS [8]: Wilder Nash Keller
- DD [exp]: Ramona Margo KellerDD [43, twin]: Orla Emilia Jones (née Keller, formerly Potter)
- ExH [45]: Anthony Christopher Potter "Ant"
- DD [18]: Charlotte Gabrielle Potter
- DH [41]: Lincoln Martin Jones
- DS [7]: Philip Lincoln Jones "Pip"
- DD [4]: Henrietta Louise Jones "Hetty"DW [65]: Nicole Victoria Keller (née Baldwin)DD [36]: Alexis Maeve Gadhavi (née Keller)
- DH [38]: Nikhil Gadhavi
- DS [9]: Nikhil Robin Gadhavi "Nick"
- DS [7]: Simran Walter Gadhavi
- DS [4]: Ashwin Wolfgang Gadhavi
- DD [exp]: Amala Katie GadhaviLeo Sr. & Pandora; Leo Jr., Harlow, and Luther
Leo Jr. & Scarlett; Pandora, Eleanor & Lucas, Raphael, Juliet, Elias, and Gabriel
Eleanor & Jodie
Raphael & Addy
Harlow & Eszter; Gwyneira and Noelia
Luther & Amy; Atticus
Leo Sr. & Sara; Reid & Orla
Reid & Eliana; Hadley, Piper, Ellis, Mercy, Wilder, and exp Ramona
Orla & Ant; Charlotte
Orla & Lincoln; Pip and Hetty
Leo Sr. & Nicole; Alexis
Alexis & Nikhil; Nick, Simran, Ashwin, and exp Amala*DD1 [Winnie, 67]:
DH [67]: Oscar Roman HartmanDD [43]: Lola Page Hartman
- DH [43]: Dash Blue Douglas
- DS [13]: Ezra Ambrose Hartman
- DS [9]: Julian Maverick HartmanDS [41]: Roman Oscar Hartman
- DW [36]: Amandine Marie Hartman (née Gauthier)
- DD [7]: Celine Emmanuelle Hartman
- DS [5]: Antoine Augustin Hartman
- DS [2]: Alexandre Thierry HartmanDS [38, twin]: Graham Eamon Hartman
- ExF [37]: Sophie Yasmin Flynn
- DD [12]: Ada Cecily Hartman
- DW [34]: Flora Magnolia Hartman (née Barton)
- DS [6]: Milo Lachlan Hartman
- DS [3]: Rory Xavier Hartman
- DD [nb]: Ciara Phyllis HartmanDS [38, twin]: Cole Holden Hartman
- DW [34]: Alicia Cassidy Hartman (née McCormick) "Ali"
- DD [9]: Belle Freja Hartman
- DS [7]: Bodhi Melvin Hartman
- DD [4]: Hope Saga Hartman
- DS [8m]: Finn Bjorn HartmanWinnie & Oscar; Lola, Roman, and Graham & Cole
Lola & Dash; Ezra and Julian
Roman & Amandine; Celine, Antoine, and Alexandre
Graham & Sophie; Ada
Graham & Flora; Milo, Rory, and Ciara
Cole & Ali; Belle, Bodhi, Hope, and Finn*DD2 [Lettie, 65]:
DH [65]: Alfonso Carvalho ParadesDS [39]: Alfonso Owen Carvalho "Alf"
- DW [35]: Ieva Jankauskas
- DS [10]: João Matas Carvalho
- DD [7]: Leonor Ieva Carvalho
- DS [5]: Henrique Kajus Carvalho
- DS [1]: Bruno Dominykas CarvalhoDS [37]: Valentim Rhodes Carvalho "Val"
- ExW [36]: Elsbeth Aislinn Byrd
- DD [15]: Cleopatra Marceline Carvalho "Cleo"
- DS [13]: Wyatt Valentim Carvalho
- DW [32]: Audrey Isabella Carvalho (née Weiss)
- DD [3]: Edie Madalena Carvalho
- DD [exp]: Honor Catarina CarvalhoDD [30]: Gabriela Lettie Carvalho "Bri"
- DGf [25]: Everly Hero MossLettie & Alfonso; Alf, Val, and Bri
Alf & Ieva; João, Leonor, Henrique, and Bruno
Val & Elsbeth; Cleo and Wyatt
Val & Audrey; Edie and Honor
Bri & Everly*DS3 [Fred, 57]:
DH [49]: Ramon Dempsey LarsenADS [22]: Caspian Otto Cyrus Larsen-Keller [brother of other ADS]
- DW [23]: Rain Serenity Martinez
- DD [4m]: Tess Geneva Larsen-KellerADS [20]: Leonidas Odin Ignatius Larsen-Keller [brother of other ADS]
DS [7]: Orlando Thor Phineas Larsen-Keller
DD [1]: Idony Seren Lovisa Larsen-KellerFred & Ramon; Caspian, Leonidas, Orlando, and Idony
Caspian & Rain; TessLISTEN TO THE MUSTN'TS
- Shel SilversteinListen to the MUSTN'TS, child,
Listen to the DON'TS
Listen to the SHOULDN'TS
Listen to the NEVER HAVES
Then listen close to me—
Anything can happen, child,
ANYTHING can be.

This message was edited 1/16/2024, 3:58 PM

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