So here's the Modified Elimination rules:
The rules are the same, however, here's how you may reply:
1. Reply to a non-replied reply
2. Branch a different elimination outcome by replying to an already replied reply.
A branch may not be a elimination outcome that is fresh (I couldn't think of something else to explain this)
You may not reply to a branch that you have already contributed to.
But an exception is made for the first reply (for obv reasons)
You can eliminate a name for any reason (even if you just felt like it), if you want to, reply why!
What does the English-10C mean?
English names with 10 characters.
If you want to suggest a name list, just reply 2 or more filters, (to limit a lot of names) it can be on the search filters or not, i'll figure it out. The most liked comment I'll do again in a day!
Im currently doing a hurricane name picking series, and YOU can decide what I should do next! for the poll.
This message was edited 1/29/2024, 11:45 PM