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[Games] Re: generation caf 13.1
in reply to a message by Evie
DH [92] Augustus Flynn Reynolds
DW [dec aged 90] Haidee Seraphina Reynolds (nee Olson)DS1 [70] Augustus Flynn Reynolds Jr. “AJ”
DS2 [67] Clark Sawyer Reynolds
DD1 [65] Astrid Tullia Reynolds
DS3 [60] Douglas Hugh ReynoldsAugustus & Haidee Reynolds: AJ, Clark, Astrid, & Douglas
DS1 [70] Augustus Flynn Reynolds Jr. “AJ”
DW [70] Indigo Carolyn Reynolds (nee Perry)DD [47] Audra Hester West (nee Reynolds)
- DH [52] Solomon Ezra West
- DS [25] Gavin Malachi West
-- DW [28] Nova Avalon West (nee Barnes)
-- DS [4] Alexander Hayes West
-- DS [2] Kian Reed West
-- DD [exp] Aria Winter West
- DD [23] Allison Rayna West
- DD [22] Bianca Frieda West
-- Dfiance [24] Hudson Claude Graham
-- DD [1] Azalea Ellery Graham
-- DD [exp] Esther Iris Graham
- DS [19] Loki Raphael West
- DS [17] Octavian Dermot West
-- Dgf [17] Ginevra Verity Gibson
-- DS [exp] Aidan Lewis Gibson-West
- DD [14] Hazel Scarlett West
- DS [12] Sol Bentley West
- DS [8] Cole Jethro WestDD [44] Eleanor Loretta Baník (nee Reynolds)
- DH [43] Mirek Baník
- DD [17] Agnesa Lucille Baník
- DD [15] Jolana Mackenzie Baník
- DD [12] Lilliana Prudence Baník
- DS [4] Journey Mirek BaníkDD [40] Harmony Annabelle Henderson-Reynolds
- ExFiance [42] Leo Zeppelin Hayes
-- DS [16] Zeppelin Leo Hayes “Zep”
-- DS [14] Cassian Emery Hayes
- DW [33] Alisha Tempest Henderson-Reynolds
-- DS [4] Ephraim Ronan Henderson-Reynolds “Rai”
-- DS [1] Mateo Rufus Henderson-ReynoldsAJ & Indigo Henderson-Reynolds: Audra, Eleanor, & Harmony
Audra & Solomon West: Gavin, Allison, Bianca, Loki, Octavian, Hazel, Sol, & Cole
Gavin & Nova West: Alexander, Kian, & Aria
Bianca West & Hudson Graham: Azalea & Esther
Octavian West & Ginevra Gibson: Aidan
Eleanor & Mirek Baník: Agnesa, Jolana, Lilliana, & Journey
Harmony Henderson-Reynolds & Leo Hayes: Zep & Cassian
Harmony & Alisha Henderson-Reynolds: Rai & Mateo
DS2 [67] Clark Sawyer Reynolds
DW [64] Claudine Marie Reynolds (nee Roux)DS [41] Adam Dominique Reynolds
- DW [37] Estella Sophie Reynolds (nee Jenkins)
- DD [13] Claudine Marie Reynolds “Claudie”
- DS [11] André Damon Reynolds
- DS [8] Elliot Yves Reynolds
- DD [6] Ellamae Nadine Reynolds
- DS [2] Gunner Marcel ReynoldsDS [40] Jacob Regis Reynolds
- ExW [41] Atala Primrose James
- DS [9] Antoine Fernand ReynoldsDS [38] Benoît Julian Reynolds
- Dgf [34] Anastasia Callista RoseDD [25] Armelle Penelope Reynolds “Elle”
- DD [nb] Aspen Armelle ReynoldsClark & Claudine Reynolds: Adam, Jacob, Benoît, & Elle
Adam & Estella Reynolds: Claudie, André, Elliot, Ellamae, & Gunner
Jacob Reynolds & Atala James: Antoine
Benoît Reynolds & Anastasia Rose
Elle Reynolds: Aspen
DD1 [65] Astrid Tullia Pierce (nee Reynolds)
ExH1 [65] Kaden Peter KelleyDS [46] Kaden Peter Kelley Jr. “Kade”
- DW [43] Regan Blake Kelley (nee Palmer)
- DD [14] Blake Ripley Kelley
- DD [12] Callie Adriana Kelley “Cal”
- DS [5] Kaden Peter Kelley III “Kay”DD [44] Allegra Bridget Blanchett (nee Kelley)
- DH [45] Brannon Dashiell Blanchett
- DD [16] Alabama Allegra Blanchett “Allie”
- DS [14] Dashiell Brannon Blanchett “Dash”
- DD [10] Elizabeth Holly Blanchett “Liza”
- DD [7] Layla Paris BlanchetExH2 [64] Caesar Jared HuntDD [40] Rayne Selena Haugen (nee Hunt)
- ExH [42] Alonzo Samson Ford
-- DD [19] Storm Veronica Ford
--- DD [5m] Brighton Lyla Ford
-- DD [17] Valentina Piper Ford “Val”
-- DD [14] Angeline Ruby Ford
- DH [38] Svein Morten Haugen
-- DS [4] Leif Svein Haugen
-- DD [9m] Henny Sunniva HaugenDS [38] Caesar Jared Hunt Jr. “CJ”DD [36] Andromeda Lux Murphy-Hunt “Andy”
- DW [25] Maeve Siobhan Murphy-HuntDH [64] Andre Darrell PierceDHD [35] Marigold Rhiannon Porter (nee Pierce) “Mari”
- DH [35] Hiram Kenneth Porter
- DD [7] Ezra Marigold Porter
- DS [5] Michael Hiram Porter
- DD [3] Leighton Adelaide Porter
- DD [nb] Haidee Seraphina PorterDS [30] Andre Darrell Pierce Jr. “AJ”
- DW [30] Leonie Samantha Pierce (nee Freeman)
- DS [4] Romeo Terrence Pierce
- DS [18m] Bodhi Everest PierceDS [27] Daxton Joseph Pierce “Dax”
- Dbf [26] Joshua Maddox HartAstrid Pierce & Kaden Kelley: Kade & Allegra
Astrid Pierce & Caesar Hunt: Rayne, CJ, & Andy
Andre Pierce: Mari
Astrid & Andre Pierce: AJ & Dax
Kade & Regan Kelley: Blake, Cal, & Kay
Allegra & Brannon Blanchett: Allie, Dash, Liza, & Layla
Rayne Haugen & Alonzo Ford: Storm, Val, & Angeline
Rayne & Svein Haugen: Leif & Henny
Storm Ford: Brighton
Andy & Maeve Murphy-Hunt
Mari & Hiram Porter: Ezra, Michael, Leighton, & Haidee
AJ & Leonie Pierce: Romeo & Bodhi
Dax Pierce & Joshua Hart
DS3 [60] Douglas Hugh Reynolds-Dean
ExW [59] Stella Beverly DuncanDD [38] Laura Stella Ventura (nee Reynolds)
- ExH1 [39] Archer Bruce Chapman
-- DS [16] Atticus Leonardo Chapman
- ExH2 [41] Basil Roman Lynch
-- DS [13] Roman Basil Lynch
-- DS [12] Achilles Nathaniel Lynch
-- DD [10] Ashton Laura Lynch
- DH [36] Salvador Jose Ventura
-- DHS [9] Ignacio Salvador Ventura
-- DS [4] Diego Jorge Ventura
-- DD [exp] Alba Carmen VenturaDS [36] Chet Orlando Reynolds
- DW [33] Cora Jane Reynolds (nee Riley)
- DD [13] Louisa Halle Reynolds
- DD & DD [11] Rooney Amabel Reynolds “Roo”/ Katarina Guinevere Reynolds “Kat”
- DD [7] Ottilie Zinnia Reynolds
- DS [5] Orlando Chet Reynolds “Lando”
- DS [2] Patrick Timothy ReynoldsDD [33] Margot Dallas Reynolds
- Dgf [33] Lindsey Taylor WilliamsonDH [57] Xavier Conrad Archie Reynolds-DeanADS [27] Forest Kylo Reynolds-Dean
- DW [25] Kayla Alexis Reynolds-Dean (nee Dixon)
- DD [4] Cerys Tabitha Reynolds-Dean
- DD [2] Elspeth Blossom Reynolds-Dean
- ADS [nb] Aldric Rhys Reynolds-DeanDD [12] Shelby Briar Reynolds-DeanDouglas Reynolds-Dean & Stella Duncan: Laura, Chet, & Margot
Douglas & Xavier Reynolds-Dean: Forest & Shelby
Laura Ventura & Archer Chapman: Atticus
Laura Ventura & Basil Lynch: Roman, Achilles, & Ashton
Salvador Ventura: Ignacio
Laura & Salvador Ventura: Diego & Alba
Chet & Cora Reynolds: Louisa, Roo, Kat, Ottilie, Lando, & Patrick
Margot Reynolds & Lindsey Williamson
Forest & Kayla Reynolds-Dean: Cerys, Elspeth, & Aldric~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost" -The Lord of the Rings
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