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[Opinions] Lisa and Sharon
What do you think about these names? When I hear these names, I think of an energetic middle-aged woman with a sense of humor.

This message was edited 2/12/2024, 7:17 AM

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Both Lisa and Sharon are before my time. I know Lisa was around in my generation, but I must have grown up in a no-Lisa zone, because I associate it as a late Boomer name rather than a Millennial one. They are Mom Names.Sharon has not so great connotations for me - because of the prominent Sharon in mt life, it is a tragic name. In that way, it's actually pretty interesting. Like it's cursed. I do like Sharon's sandy warmth, and it has more personality than Lisa. Sharon is harder to like, it's more challenging, which draws my attention more. Lisa is smooth and shiny and rather flat. I do love "Lise" or Lis as a nickname though, it's so chic. I also love "Shar" (said like share) a ton. Very "cigarette mom" glam.

This message was edited 2/13/2024, 6:10 AM

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The Lisas I've known were mean girls from modest backgrounds, the sort who cared a lot about getting the attention of boys and little for their friends who were girls. I haven't known a Lisa as an adult, so I'm stuck with a sort of bad impression of Lisa. Lisa and Kimberly give me similar impressions. Sharon seems more formal and "classier." I had a friend Sharon in high school, and her name seemed too old for her - like mine is for me. She had a great dry sense of humor. I've also had a couple of neighbors named Sharon who were lovely, energetic gals. So I get the same sort of impression that you do.
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Lisa is pretty timeless, it's always been a quiet favorite of mine. Sharon is dated but there's a certain beauty to it.

This message was edited 2/12/2024, 3:04 PM

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Lisa is lovely. Don't like Sharon at all
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Sharon is beyond middle-aged, honestly. It's closer to my mom's generation -'70s.Sharon has been ruined for me by a throughly unpleasant person.Lisa, Heather, Justin, Michelle, Sean, Ryan - these are middle-aged names. They're also the names of my classmates. I can't really see them as anything but the names of my peers. Although Lisa was more my brother's generation than mine.I'm in the very beginning of middle-aged at 42, my brother is 51.

This message was edited 2/12/2024, 10:47 AM

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I think Lisa is pretty, but Sharon is not my thing. I'm not a huge fan of female names that end with N (but obviously there are exceptions).
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Both are bland, though Sharon is warmer. I definitely don't find Lisa energetic—it's been enervated by overuse, IMO.
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I like Lisa a lot. It is definitely energetic and bright, but though it's not popular now, it still feels very youthful.
Sharon I don't like that much. It's okay, but it definitely feels more dated.
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I was almost named Elizabeth “Lisa” after my grandmother, and despite it being quite a generic name I wouldn’t have minded it. Lisa sounds refreshing and youthful and love that vibe. Sharon feels like it’s still stuck in the sixties/seventies and I think it’s better to be left there for now.Ps, I didn’t mean to write this as a reply to RoxStar

This message was edited 2/12/2024, 8:27 AM

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