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[Opinions] Names from a group of kids
These are the names I overheard amongst a group, I’d guess about 10-15 years old. Some of the spellings are guessed. What do you think? :)
Baran, girl
Caritz, girl
Clem, girl
Elis, girl
Eris, girl
Finula, boy
Isa (Ee-sa), girl
Lila (Lee-la)
Sam, girl

This message was edited 2/23/2024, 10:15 AM

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I only like the names Amy and Clare!
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I'm fond of Baran, Clem (as a nickname), Clare, Harriet, and Iris.
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I'm curious about the etymology for Finula.
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I like:Clare
Elis (I prefer the spelling Ellis)
Lila (I prefer the pronunciation LIE-lə for this spelling, and the spelling Leela for the pronunciation of Lee-la)
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I don't like Baran on a girl (too close to barren). Caritz sounds too close to carrots. Clem on a girl is not attractive (hopefully it is short for Clemence). Finula on a boy is an interesting choice (why not just Finn or another masculine variant?). At first I was drawn to Senaria, but then I realised it was too close to scenario and it also sounds more like a fantasy place name.I like Elijah, Iris, Amina and Zahra. Clare (prefer spelling Claire but Clara overall) is ok. Prefer Ellis to Elis and LIE-la to LEE-la. Harriet, Amy are ok. Isa might grow on me, but it does look like a nickname.
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Love Amy
Like Claire, Elijah, Sam if a nn for Samantha or Samara, Zara
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