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[Opinions] Renesmee
Am I going crazy or is it not that bad?Maybe it's my Twilight nostalgia kicking in. I realize the books and movies were terrible in many ways, but also entertaining and kind of cult-classic in a way. I watched them a while after they first came out, but they were still being hyped and it's such a part of my teenage years.I always hated the name Renesmee, but lately I've just gotten so used to it and think it's kind of normal and nice now.I wouldn't use it, but I think it's kind of cool now. Even though back in the day I always wished she had done Esmeree instead.Thoughts on Renesmee and Esmeree? On Renee and Esme, Esmee while we're at it.Thanks.
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too awkward to me and too tied to Twilight, which I've never liked.
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The only one of the 4 I like is Renee, Esme too old fashioned, the others a little too much
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What makes Esme old-fashioned? It doesn't look like it entered the US rankings until very recently.
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It's a name common is the 20th and 30s along with Edith, Edna, Mildred, Millicent, Hilda etc
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I guess I'm confused because I can't even find usage in the beyond:
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I think the sound is very attractive, and when I first heard/saw it I assumed it was a Hispanic invention or maybe Haitian. I never read the Twilight books or saw the movie so I was a little slow to grasp the connection.Since the name was created for the book and it wasn't a name till then, it's far too closely associated with Twilight for me to ever consider using it. It's like Khaleesi that way; it was made up for a franchise character and it really dates the giver of it. Especially so with Renesmee since the target audience of Twilight was much younger than the target audience for Game of Thrones.I don't like Esmeree at all, and I hate Esmee. But I do like Renee and would like to see it used more as a fn, it's always seemed more popular as a mn.
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I'm not a fan, mainly because of its obvious association. I don't like how both names clash together to make a mouthful; they are better when separated, especially if Esme is spelt Esmée.On the other hand, I love Esmeree, though. A French touch (as Esmerée) would be fun.
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Oooh, it looks so much better with a French touch!
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I’ll put them in order of preference:Esmeree (I like Esmeray more though)
Esmee - this just looks weird
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It’s not as bad as people like to say it is, but it’s hardly the worst modern name either. I personally find Twilight to be very overrated and creepy but I don’t care for it, but objectively speaking alone the sound isn’t that bad. I would just use Renée or Esmée though. I love Esmée.
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It doesn’t sounds awful but it’s still too associated with Twilight for the time being and I mean it’s a creepy child who grows unnaturally fast and gets groomed, sorry imprinted.
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Oh, definitely true. It creeped me out even then. But I was young and it was super hyped. Now I still sort of enjoy the first movie and the second, but never watch the later ones. And it's definitely all nostalgia, I think if I watched them now I wouldn't be impressed.
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I love Esme and Esmée, and Renesmee just swallows them up, so it makes me sad to see. I'm too old for real Twilight nostalgia I think, but I can see how this name really made an impact on youngsters. If I had read it at 13, I would have been all over it. If I had *written* a vampire romance when I was 13, I totally would have made a name like Renesmee for the story. It's perfect for what it is. It's fanciful and imaginative, like Everleigh. I admire that about it! Renee is ok, a little harsh, which can be fun. I prefer Rene on a boy, I think.
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I like Everleigh too. I think I prefer Everlee and Everly, but there's something fairy-like about Everleigh.
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I've never read or seen the books or the movie, so all I have to go on is the name. I find it unattractive in sound and appearance. Renee and Esme are both names I like, but not when turned into conjoined twins.
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My hot take is that I think it sounds lovely. I'd spell it Wren Esmé(e), though.
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I think the name is a bit extra. Renee and Esme are fine as they are. Esmee looks a bitter prettier, possibly because it looks more French. Esmeree is quite pretty.
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I mean, it doesn't sound awful as a name I suppose. It's not my style. Not because of the Twilight association, but because it sounds made up.I love Renée for a girl, for sure. Not sure about Esmée/Esmé. To me, it feels like something a name people like because it SOUNDS French but it is, in fact, rarely used by French speaking-people (if never used at all).
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Esmée is used a lot, though (quickly rising). It is the correct Frech feminine form and I prefer it over Esme.
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In addition, Esmée went up 374 spots in four years, after cracking the French chart in 2018. It was popularised in Belgium as well.I also prefer it over Esmé, and I hope English-speaking countries use this form in the near future.
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The INSEE (Institut national de la statistique et études économiques) says it was given to 563 girls in France for the year 2022. And the RRQ (Régies des Rentes du Québec) says it was given to 32 girls in that province in 2022. All the feminine names in the top 5 in France are where given to 3000 girls or more, whilst in Québec the top 5 are all given 400 times or more. Maybe the name is on the rise, but I wouldn't say it's super common in French speaking parts of the world either.
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It's a top 100 name in Belgium and close to entering the top 100 in France. So maybe not top 10 popular, but might get there. Rising very quickly:
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I like the sound of the name but don't like the double e at the end. Would've preferred it spelt Renesme. Esmeree is nice soundwise too; don't know if I like it with a double e or Esmery though.
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It's not my thing, but I would say it's not objectively bad. I prefer Renee and Esme on their own; I think they're both beautiful names. Esmeree is much better than Renesmee.
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I hated Twilight and I still think it’s a fine name. Kinda cute.
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As far as I know, it was in the top 1000 in the UK from 2017 to 2020, and I think this has a strong association with the character. As for the sound, I like Renee better. (But whether something sounds good is usually subjective.)

This message was edited 2/25/2024, 8:33 AM

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I don't really care for this name, but I have always appreciated its uniqueness! I like Esme, but I prefer Renae and Esmae to every name here (these spellings have phonetic pronunciations. I don't normally care much for alternative spellings, but I like these. Same for me with Desirae over Desiree).
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