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[Opinions] Miranda
I was reading a Reddit post where the OP stated that she used Miranda, the name of a Shakespearn princess. (The Tempest) Her Mil hates the name, suggesting other, Disney princess names.What do you think of Miranda? I love the name so much. My niece is named Miranda and has gone by Mira her entire life. I don't even associate Miranda with her at all. I know someone who often confused my daughter's name, Miriam, with Miranda. I think if I didn't have a niece with the name Miranda would have been on the top of my list.The poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese. G.K. Chesteron
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I never liked this name very much. I'm not sure why, it's just cold to me. I can't connect with it.I do love Mira, though.
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Mira, Isaac, and Sophie do work better together than Miranda, Isaac, and Sophia. The first is more approachable and down to earth.
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Love it
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In just the past few years I have developed a deep fondness for Miranda, never gave it much thought previously. It seems comfortably elegant.
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Miranda isn't one of my favorite names, but I think it's lovely and I've always wondered why it wasn't more popular.
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I like it very much. I like the Latin meaning, and the character in The Tempest. I don't enjoy the thought of Randy as a nn; I don't like Mandy as a nn for Amanda either, and it doesn't have the unfortunate slang meaning of Randy - it just sounds unattractive. I'd be happy to use Miranda as a mn.
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Miranda is the kind of name I should love, but for some reason it doesn't do anything for me! I admire it, but there's no connection there.I kind of like that it can be shortened to the distinctly un-princess-like "Randi", though!
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The fear of Randy is why my SiL chose the nickname Mira.
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I love it. It sounds confident, and sparky, and golden.
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It's pretty nice. It's vaguely my mom's style and was rising fast in the charts when I was born (I wonder if it was sorta like the quirkier version of Amanda? It picked up around when that peaked), so I can imagine being named it and liking it. I like Miri / Mira and M names generally.I've met a few but don't know any and wouldn't consider it dated for a baby. I think I've met more people named Perdita, weirdly.

This message was edited 2/25/2024, 11:25 AM

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I’ve grown to like this name so much as I have gotten older. I can’t imagine this would be a controversial name at all—I would think if there was any criticism it would be that is not a polarizing name.
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It's lovely! My mom said she was considering Miranda had I been a girl.
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I really don't like it but I love Mira.
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I like the meaning of Miranda.
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I find it funny that it peaked in 1997 - the year my niece was born. My sister-in-law is all about standing out, but she named her first daughter Miranda when it peaked in popularity and used Sophia when it was #1 in DC. That said, I've not met very many Mirandas.
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