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[Opinions] Kayley OR Kaylee?
Which is better? Is/was the name popular where you are?
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I think Kaylee is better. Maybe just because it reminds me of the Firefly character.
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I like it, but I'd probably not use it. If I were to use a trendy name it would most likely be Everly. I just change the spelling every couple of weeks. I liked Everly, then Everlee, then Everleigh.I think it's a friendly, happy, carefree name. Sunsets and sunrises sitting close to the ocean on a bench, bright colors, yellow, orange and pink. A happy person who loves the ocean.All the versions with a K and a Y give me strong pink vibes, the others more grey-blue and green and yellow, like the sun peaking through. Like a rainy ocean day, but still beautiful. I imagine a Kaylee with a Y and K to be more bubbly and outgoing and a Kailey, for example, to be more quiet but popular and studious.These are all the spellings I've liked in the past:Kayley - the first one I liked, made sense to me as it's close to Hayley which was always the standard spelling to me (I like Haley better now, though)CaleyKaylee - this is the most popular on in the USKaleyKayleigh - the most popular one in the UKKaylieKaileyUhm so if I were to use it, I'd probably present my partner with a few of my now favorite spellings and let him pick :P At the moment I like Kaylee and Kailey best. So out of yours it would be Kaylee.What I like about Kaylee: is the most popular spelling in the US, so if you are there people are more likely to get it right. Was the first spelling ever that was used in the US as early as the 50s or 60s (check "beyond the top 1000", you need to be logged in). It looks like Kay+Lee and therefore has a proper meaning and etymology, just like Avarose or something would.

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Kayley looks less bad than Kaylee. I've never met one.
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Kayley. I've never met one.
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I prefer Kaylee to Kayley, but my favorite spelling is Kaylie. I just think it looks nicer. I knew several people with that pronunciation of name with various spellings growing up (I'm in my early 30s in the US), but I haven't met any kids of late. I do see Kylie and Callie variations with relatively high frequency in little ones.
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The 90s called, they want their baby name back.Kayley looks like it ages better than Kaylee.
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I think I find Kayley a bit more "grown up" and balanced. So I'll go with that one. Kaylee feels extra shrill to me.
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Kaylee is probably easier on the eye and to spell. The double y looks unnecessary. It isn’t popular where I am, but Hayley was fairly common.
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I prefer Kaylee because it looks more like Kay + Lee which I think is cute.I'm not sure about the popularity, but I have a cousin named Kayleigh who was born in 2010. Her bio mom is named Kayla.
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Sooooo she was basically named after her mom.
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Yeah, I think so.
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I think Kaylee look better because the Y's in Kayley look close to each other although they are not.
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Kayleigh was the spelling that both the people I knew with the name used. It was never popular here but I knew two people with it.It’s a not a name I would use.
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Kaylee seems to be the most popular spelling, with Kayleigh and Kailey following behind (at least for people my age). Between Kayley and Kaylee, I prefer the look of Kayley. However, I may be a minority, but I love the spelling of Cailey to them all (a wonderful girl impacted my feelings). The "C" is unique and I love how each letter is different, as well. However, I do prefer Kayla and Cayla to these names or any spelling variant.
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Kayley, it’s a fun name to write down with all the curves. The Kayley’s I know are in their thirties. IMG-0696
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You're right, it is fun!
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There's no difference to me—they're both abominable.
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Kayley was popular here about 25 years ago, don't know any babies or toddlers with the name.
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Hi!Actually I prefer Kylie or Kyla.
I've never met any spelling of this name in real life.
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I prefer Kayley, but I've only met Kaylees.
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