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[Opinions] Re: Daphne or Phoebe?
Phoebe, easily. It sounds lighter and far more endearing. It reminds me of the character of Phoebe Buffay, a character of my own, and a name of a cat that my family used to own. 馃檪 I don't care much for Daphne. It sounds clunky and just overall unappealing.馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫
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