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[Opinions] Estella, Estelle & Stella
What do you think of the names Estella, Estelle, and Stella? Do you have a favorite? Are some dated - or, going to become dated?Stelara and Steliana are also "variants" I'm curious about. Are there others you'd like to discuss?***Please rate my personal name
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I love Stella, like Estelle, and Estella is okay. I like most astral names, though. Astor, Aster, Celeste, Celestine, Celestia, Star, etc. If Steliana is pronounced stel-ee-ah-na, then I like it. I do not like Stelara because of the short A, but a long A would not change my opinion much.
Estrella is trending in the US right now and I wished I liked it, but I don't.
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Stella is my favorite. I’m not a fan of the others. Steliana is lovely though.
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I love them. Stella is my favorite, followed by Estella then Estelle.
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Estelle is my favorite. I like Stella too, but I don't know if people would call out her name as Marlon Brando's character does in the movie "A Streetcar Named Desire". Estella is just a little too frilly.
Stelara has been pinched by a pharmaceutical for its drug for psoriatic arthritis, ulcerative colitis, and other conditions.
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QuoteStelara has been pinched by a pharmaceutical for its drug for psoriatic arthritis, ulcerative colitis, and other conditions.
I looked it up, a yep, here it is: is why I can't use Allegra as a name, even though I enjoy it immensely: can't shake the allergy medicine association.
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I like Stella best then Estelle. Don't really like Estella. Steliana is too frilly and Stelara just doesn't feel right
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I love all of these very much!For me: Estelle > Stella > EstellaAll the variants are gorgeous as well!
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The only one I like at all, and I like it very much, is Stella. Neat and tidy and straight from the Latin: what more could anyone want? I'm not keen on French spellings for names in English, like Isabelle, when there is an English alternative. Estelle isn't quite like that, but I far prefer Stella, for its rhythm as well as its origin. Estella doesn't know which way to go: I really don't see the point.
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My personal like is Estelle, I think these three have different vibes. And Stella was actually my older sister’s English name.

This message was edited 3/9/2024, 9:12 AM

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Estelle is my favourite. It's the epitome of retro glamour. Pure art deco. Even though the height of its popularity was 1911, I associate it with the 30s and 40s, big time. I suppose all those 1911 Estelles were at the peak of their power in around then, so that makes sense! It's a perfect name, in my book. Sadly my partner is not a fan of any "stell" names because of a bad association.I like Stella a lot too; I understand why its rising right now. It's quirky-retro and fits in perfectly with the Violets and Hazels and Lilys. It's a lot lighter than Estelle, which has gravitas. I guess Stella runs the greatest risk of feeling dated in the future, because it's the most popular. It sure seems like a popular name for dogs, where I live, so it has a friendly, happy-go-lucky sort of aura to it.Estella is nice, but my least favourite. I don't know why I can't get into this version as much. I think maybe too much is happening and I find it distracting. It's not as calm and composed as Estelle, yet it also lacks Stella's sunny jazz energy.
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Estelle has been a favorite name of mine for years! I just love how it's classy, unpopular nowadays, and that awesome meaning! Estelle sounds very elegant and vibrant to me. Estella ranks next, though I also really like couldn't go wrong with either, in my opinion. Stelara is an interesting choice that I've admired for a while. Steliana is alright, though it seems a tad over-the-top, but it's pretty-sounding.I've seen the names Estellene and Estellina multiple times in local graveyards. I think that they're both interesting, though I definitely prefer Estelle.
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