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[Opinions] Winter
Do you like it? Boy or girl?Winter or Wynter?I like Greyson Winter for a boy. Nice and snowy/winter-y or too gloomy?Thanks!
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On a boy I prefer Wintry. I'm a sucker for medieval names.
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I like it. Definitely prefer it on a girl. A friend of mine is planning on naming her daughter this soon
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I like it! I think it seems more girl as a first name and more unisex as a middle name. I'd like Winter "Win". Don't like Wynter.
Greyson Winter is pretty good. I don't think it's too 'gloomy', but it might come across as too 'visual' or too 'wordy'.
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I love this name but not the season haha. It's not gloomy, but it's kind of serious and cold sounding - in a good way. Wynter looks weird. I like Winter for both genders. Greyson Winter for a boy is handsome.
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Absolutely STUNNING name for a girl! One of my favorite girl names! Winter > Wynter
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Awful. Slightly better than Autumn.
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I like Winter for a girl, with Win as a nickname.Winter Evangeline
Winter Genevieve
Winter Emmeline
Winter Iseult
Winter Stephanie
Winter Seraphine
Winter Eloise
Winter Celeste
Winter Colette
Winter Edith
Winter Elizabeth
Winter Estelle
Winter Imogen
Winter Catherine
Winter Saskia
Winter Silvana
Winter Sylvia
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I like it for either gender. Greyson Winter is too similar in color vibe for me--grey, white, browns, blues; although it does flow well.
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I like it, but I probably wouldn’t use it. I pick Winter since I generally do not like creative spellings on word names.
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I like Winter as a name in theory. I think it works for any gender, but to me it has a slightly more feminine lean to it. It feels very elegantly gothic, but very artificial. It's romantic in a "high school play" kinda way. I once had a dream that I had a son named Ambrose Winter Xavier, or something like that, so I've had an irrational soft spot for all three names ever since.The word Winter is lovely, and I like the concept of Winter, but I HATE the winter - at least, winters where I live are horrible. So that's the main issue. I feel like people curse the winter a lot where I'm from; people get sick of it. Greyson Winter is very soap opera/cheesy romance novel hero. Dramatic and formal, but essentially flimsy. It's Scooby-Doo level gloomy. It would definitely make a great character name.
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Don't like it, especially Wynter, don't like Greyson or Winter and terrible together very gloomy, sounds like your grey son in winter, your kid turned grey in the winter
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It's tacky. Def Winter! Winter is ugly.
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Oops Wynter** is ugly.
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I love winter but find the name Winter tacky. It sounds like a character in 21st-century romance novel published online.
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