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[Opinions] Interesting names from French Canada
I've been looking at a genealogy database lately, mainly of French Canada from the 18th to 19th century. There are A LOT of interesting and archaic names in the database. For every name, I tried to check for origins or explanations, but sometimes I couldn't find any. I got a long list, so I'll make other posts.Don't hesitate to give your thoughts. Feminine:
Adée (probably a short form of Adèle, Adélie, or other names from the same root)
Adelianne (I thought it was an interesting and original form of Adélie and Anne)
Anatalie (maybe a variation of Nathalie ?)
Arménie (spelled exactly like the country Armenia, but no idea if it's related)
Auxilia (from the latin ''auxilium'' meaning ''to give help, to assist''. Pr
Alzire (BtN seems to tell me it comes from a Voltaire novel, but I wonder if the name was also used generally in French speaking novels)
Basilisse (French form of Vasilisa)
Cédulie (Derived from Latin sedulus "zealous, diligent, industrious".)
Célanire Masculine:
Adalbert (not that strange, simply rare.)
Adéodat (from Latin Adeodatus, latin meaning "given by God".)
Adjutor (from Latin ''helper'')
Alcide (Latinized form of Greek Alkeides, derived from alke meaning "strength, prowess")
Alderic (from German alt "old" and rih "ruler, king")
ArchelasDon't hesitate to rate my different PNLs:
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Adelianne is lovely.
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I really like Aldeneige, Basilisse, Cédulie, Adalbert, Adéodat, Adjutor, Alderic, and Anthyme.
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