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[Opinions] Which of my favorite French male names do you prefer?
Which of these is your preference?Olivier
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Olivier and Frédéric.
Édouard is cool but not my favorite.
Jean-Georges is very fun to say, but also hard to say.
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Olivier, Édouard and Frédéric are all very classic and timeless. Out of the three, Édouard is my favorite. Frédéric is nice enough too. Olivier is a good strong name, I don't dislike it per say. But I have known so many from my generation (very popular in Quebec, in the 90's), that is doesn't feel as new and fresh. Jean-Georges seems like an unusual combination. I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but it's less common than say, Jean-Pierre, Jean-Marc or Jean-Claude. Overall, it isn't my style.

This message was edited 3/16/2024, 10:27 AM

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I love them all, except for Jean-Georges; Frédéric is my favorite, because I find it very handsome and strong.
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1 Olivier
2 Frederic
3 EdouardI'm not a fan of Jean-Georges. Perhaps you could use them for middle names.My apologies but I'm on my phone so I couldn't add the French accents to your names.
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It’s actually easier to do so on the phone! If you hold down a letter, the accents pop up!
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My favourite would be Olivier, though I also like Edouard and Frederic. Jean-Georges is okay, but I'm not big on alliteration.
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Olivier is great!
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I like the sound of Édouard most but would probably pick Frédéric over it just because I like Frederick, Fredrik, Friedrich more than Edward / Edvard.

This message was edited 3/13/2024, 9:29 PM

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