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[Games] Ari's Murder Mystery CAF #2
The Nightingale's Nest cher529sLord _______ , the patriarch of the _______ family and the host of this charming gathering, is the quintessential patrician: the pinnacle of sensible, albeit not necessarily fashionable elegance, who enjoys a warming sip of rum and a game of cards in the evening.Calm and collected, his cellar is filled with vintages that he reserves for his most treasured guests, and his library abounds in tomes of politics, history, moral philosophy, and the occasional novel - his only vice. He knows everyone of note in high society, but prefers a quiet evening alone in his study to a bustling London ball.He is never underdressed, never overindulges, there has never been even a hint of scandal around him. That is, until a long-buried secret of his gets revealed by one of his guests at The Nightingale's Nest during dinner.Lord _______ _______ _______ , 7th Earl of _______First name: chosen by his grandfather - the first name of his favourite Romantic poet.Middle name: Anglo-Saxon ( the scene of a famous mediaeval battle.Title: an Irish town beginning with A ( (optional, just for fun - I may or may not take inspiration): What shocking secret from his past was revealed just as Lord _______ , the host, was about to bite into a succulent piece of venison? 🕊️❣️🌻💌🌻❣️🕊️masculine list:
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Lord Edgar Oswine Stamford , 7th Earl of AskillAs it turns out, Lord Stamford is a thief who steals from his rich acquaintance and gives the money to the less fortunate! No one but his wife knows about this.

This message was edited 4/21/2024, 4:03 AM

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Lord August Wulfstan Hastings, 7th Earl of AshbourneThe Earl of Ashbourne is named after August Wilhelm SchlegelThe Earl of Ashbourne has been discovered in flagrante with 24-year-old Courtenay Williams, an ambitious MP.

This message was edited 4/20/2024, 5:09 AM

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Lord Percy Hereweald Agincourt, 7th Earl of Avoca
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Lord Browning Godric Hattin, 7th Earl of Adare
He was unaware until that moment that his mother was not, in fact, the late Countess Dowager, but a 17 year old upstairs maid with whom the late count had a brief affair. Since the countess had not provided an heir, the child was seen as a solution to a problem and raised acordingly. Unfortunately illigitamacy and inheritance are usually mutually exlusive.
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Lord Bentley Eadmund Hastings, 7th Earl of Ashbourne In his youth, Lord Bentley Hastings had a short fling with a man during his army days. While Lord Bentley himself adamantly would deny any attachment to the man, his lover only grew bitter over the years. Invited to the a dinner at the Hastings' lovely home of Nightingale's Nest, a mutual friend invited Lord Bentley's once lover to join him, not aware of the history between them. (Bentley after Elizabeth Bentley (: )
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Lord Samuel Osmund Bouvines, 7th Earl of Anglesboro
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Lord Bysshe Cuthberte Bannockburn, 7th Earl of ArdaghDuring his youth, before he inherited the earldom, Lord Bannockburn served as a spy, working for the Crown. Just as the main course at this evening's dinner is being served, one of his old and most dangerous cases unexpectedly rears its head.***

This message was edited 4/19/2024, 4:00 PM

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Lord Percy Glædwine Hastings, 7th Earl of AbbeyfealeBonus: In his youth, Lord Percy entered into a secret engagement/marriage with a common woman; the guest reveals themselves to be the illegitimate child of this union!
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Lord Micah Dunstan Hastings, earl of Longford.
lord Hastings revealed that he owned the largest Opium company in colonial India, before its prohibition.
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Lord Christopher Leofric Hastings, 7th Earl of Ardcroney
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Lord Cyprian Eadwulf Agincourt, 7th Earl of Ardmore(named in honor of Polish romantic poet Cyprian Norwid)
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Lord William Cyneheard St. Denis, 7th Earl of Arless may have had a hand in the mysterious death of his own elder brother to secure his succession

This message was edited 4/19/2024, 5:05 PM

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