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[Opinions] Miranda
I woke up liking this name. Wdyt of Miranda?
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I think that Miranda is an absolutely stunning name!!
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I think it's lovely and summery. Like biting into a peach.
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I love it! It seems like an everyday name but it's still a bit romantic and fantastical.
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It’s not my style
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I love it as a full name; I know a dermatologist in her 50s who is only ever called Miranda. But most people end up being known as Randy, which makes me happy to use it as a mn but not for everyday use.
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I've only met one Miranda with a nickname and it was Mira. All the others went by Miranda. Randy wouldn't be intuitive where I live, it sounds like the name of a middle-aged man or the adjective meaning horny!
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Where I live, it's strictly the adjective. Hence my reluctance to consider it as a fn.
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I think it's pretty, but I prefer Amanda.
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It's pretty, but nothing special. Better than Amanda.
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I love it.
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It's lovely. My mom said she was considering it for me, but I was born a boy.
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gave it no thought a few years ago, but it has been climbing the likes recently, making it all the way to 'quite like'
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I like it
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I like it a lot more now than I used to. It's very Shakespearean to me.
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