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[Opinions] Rate These Names From Near Eastern Mythology
I find the name rating posts a lot of fun, and I thought it would be interesting to try one with names from near eastern mythology! The names below are mainly from the Sumero-Akkadian mythologies, but there are other pantheons which fall under the umbrella of the Ancient Near East!Nanaya
Ea (1)


Nanaya - 5/10 - pretty in theory but there's something irritating about it and the way I want to say it makes me think of the cadance of 'banana'. It feels like gibberish-talk.
Inanna - 3/10 - I just think 'in Anna'. There's multiple times in mythology where this goddess seems super-entitled and just like she'd be irritating to deal with, and I can't get past that.
Dumuzi - 3/10 - it has 'dumb' right there. Tammuz is cool as hell though.
Ninisina - 5/10 - coolish, but.... do people still call people 'ninny' outside of period fiction? It also falls into the babyish-gibberish sound thing, something about the repeating sounds I honestly don't know.
Enki - 9/10 - cool. It's lively and simple but different. I don't know enough about the god to think I'd call a person it, but I'd maybe call a pet Enki... or use it as a cool nickname, idk for what?
Ea - 5/10 - Makes me think of Lovecraftian cultists in some weird fiction novel chanting 'Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!' or something... it's also suitably aquatic in meaning. It's a bit too simplistic to see on a person, but I'd 100% call a badass goldfish Ea.
Ellil - 6/10 - Kinda cute. I prefer Enlil and find that more usable.
Kittum - 7/10 - Kinda cute, with a nice meaning. I'd name a cat Kittum.
Lilith - 5/10 - The most conventionally useable and I absolutely hate it. It's faux edgy and actually pretty overused for a name seen as 'unique' and 'niche' (I've known more Liliths than I've known... idk... Laurens or Lucys or any other common L name, I mean we're up to about 8 now. I can't escape it!). A lot of people use it as a way to get the (imo) dull nickname Lily with a 'different', 'cooler' full name.
Lilith is the best one. Dumuzi is also really pretty!
Nanaya 6/10
Inanna 6/10
Dumuzi 5/10
Ninisina 4/10
Enki 7/10
Ea 6/10
Ellil 7/10
Kittum 6/10
Lilith 8/10
Nanaya 7/10 it has a fun, sophisticated sound and reminds me of currently popular/trending names like Maya, Anaya and Alaya.
Inanna 5/10 it has a wonderful meaning but the sound isn’t for me.
Dumuzi 6/10
Ninisina 6/10
Enki 6.5/10 I find this one cute!
Ea 8/10 if it’s pronounced as EE-a then I really like it. It’s very short, but I like the way it sounds.
Ellil 7/10 it reminds me of Elliott and Ellis, but also lilies!
Kittum 5/10 I like Kit and the sound isn’t bad, but too similar to kitten
Lilith 9/10 honestly one of my favourite girl’s names, I love the sound and look.
I like Lilith 7/10, don't like it the others