[Opinions] Demetria nn Demi wdyt?
Wdyt? Is this name usable now?


Very Demi Lovato. I like the name Demetria a lot and Demi is a cute NN, but I would probably just call a Demetria by her full name. I think it's so pretty by itself. It's totally usable, I don't think it's been ruined, nor do I think it is too odd. Especially considering that Dmitri and its variants are not unheard of where I live.
I know someone who named their daughter Demi. It's totally usable.
I think that Demetria is a gorgeous, elegant name; Demi is also a cure nickname! For certain, it's totally usable now.
Don't like it at all or the nn
I know one who is widely known as Dim, in spite of being a university lecturer! Demi isn't particularly courteous either. Not a full name I would consider.