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[Opinions] Name of the Day
I had a brownie called Ida around 10 years ago and she started brownies on her 7th birthday. I like the name as I have positive associations with it. WDYT?Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from
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I like Ida, due for a comeback. I also like Iva.
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I love it. It's fashioned yet adorable and I think it deserves a comeback, or at least a slight resurgence. It would fit right in with a lot of other names too. I think both pronunciations are beautiful, but I'm more partial to the I-da one. 🙂
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I love EE-da, but not EYE-da. It's intense, charcoal grey, soulful.
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I really want to like it. It sounds strong and no-nonsense. But all I hear is, "I'd a/uh..." I think if I met someone with the name who was under 40 I might be swayed to like it.
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I think Ida is a strong name for three letters. I like it but I do prefer Ada.The only issue is pronunciation. English speakers say "EYE-duh". Many countries in Europe pronounce it as "EE-dah".
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I was at school with a Joan-Ida, named after her mother and an aunt. The aunt pronounced it EE-dah, and my friend was forever correcting people. Nowadays she's settled on Joan, which makes life much quieter.
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My husband has an aunt named Ida. I like her and the name.
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My great-grandmother was named Ida Elvira. I think it's too old-fashioned but would make an interesting middle name.
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Your great grandma has a badass name! Fantastic
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I think Ida is a great name, and I’m really hoping it makes a comeback soon!
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I love Ida! I've never met one.
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I have a cousin named Ida. I vacillate between liking it and thinking it's a bit old-fashioned, but it's not a bad name.
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I like it, was an aunt's mn and a G grandmother name
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