[Opinions] Re: Biblical names
While twins can happen to anyone the ones that run in families come down the moms side as it is the women who releases more than one egg. So you would be more likely if the twins came from your mom's side. Your names don't seem overly Biblical to me but maybe that is because you stuck them in as middle names.
I like Delilah but it's hard to not think of the song Hey there Delilah. I don't really like the usual girl names like Mary and Martha. I do like Chloe, Haddasah (it means Myrtle tree which is whatever), I like Esther but not as much since it is her Babylonia name. Zipporah is kind of fun. I like the character Jacobed not so much the name.
I definitely prefer more of the male Biblical names. Not a huge fan of Matthew but David, and Daniel, Elijah, Adam so many solid ones. Not a huge fan of Jeremiah.


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Re: Biblical names  ·  Rainya  ·  6/25/2024, 9:51 AM
Re: Biblical names  ·  treasa.liz89  ·  6/25/2024, 10:13 AM
Re: Biblical names  ·  )(  ·  6/25/2024, 9:42 AM
Re: Biblical names  ·  Impala1729  ·  6/25/2024, 9:35 AM