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[Opinions] Nicknames
I know a lot of nicknames end in y or ie. I know a sibling set that is Annie, Chloe, and Rudy. I'm not sure how planned out that was. At least they aren't all spelled with a Y ending.
Some nicknames you plan others not so much. I have two kids that have nicknames but neither of them have a y sounded ending.
I guess I don't want to sound like I have a Tommy Timmy Jimmy kimmy. For sure for boys I think it just sounds like a baby or toddler name.
I have a Gabrielle who has been called Gabby. I liked her name because it had so many possible nicknames like Bri or Brielle, Ellie etc Unsure how often nicknames change throughput life because Gabby seems to be sticking.
We are expecting again. Our boy name isn't an issue with me but we are planning to do Josephine if we have a girl. I imagine we would likely call her Josie? I suppose Jo could be a nickname although there is a Jill in the family it may be hard to distinguish. One of the name sites had Fifi as a nickname for Josephine which might be fun but I imagine would have to be intentional. Curious what your thoughts on a nicknames for our possible Josephine? Also it is likely my last name will end up being a nickname for all of our kids at one point in their lives or another...


What about Jodie for Josephine? It's one of my favorite nicknames. Less obvious than Josie, longer and girlier than Jo (while still being fairly tomboy), less infantile than Fifi. Gabby and Jodie sounds good, too.
I never would've thought of Jodi/Jodie as a nickname for Josephine, but I like that!
My brother and I both use nicknames. He is always called Ben, not Benjamin. My name is Katherine, and I have been called Kate(my choice) for years, but never Katie.I know two Josephines, one is called Josie and the other is called Jo. I prefer Jo and I don’t think it would be confusing with Jill.
Why not just use full-on Josephine? The only nickname I like is JoJo, but I’d rather just use the full name since it’s gorgeous.
Good point. We actually use my kids full names often first and middle. I'm not sure how it started but my son would introduce himself at the park with his full name
Some of the ee-ending nns feel babyish but others I think grow up well. I think that Timmy, Teddy and Sammy are quite babyish, but I have no trouble picturing a grown-up Danny, Bobby or Charlie.For Josephine:Jo is cute and grows up well.
Josie is predictable but doesn't feel especially grown up.Jojo is cute, but mainly for family and close friends.
Fifi is awful. It feels not only babyish but baby-talkish as well, like maybe a baby's mispronunciation of pee-pee. lol
Jodi could be a very cute nn for Josephine and I think it grows up well.There is Joss, though that's not very intuitive given the long o of Josephine.
There's Joey, but that feels babyish on a boy or a girl.
Jo or Josie are nice nn. I wouldn't use Josette due to your friends association. I don't see a problem with Jill and Jo. Fifi is cute. Lots of nns aren't anything like names. Lots aren't intentional. Princess, lil dude, champ, Missy, Missy moo etc
Forgot to add I had a coworker at one point who went by Josette which could maybe work as a nickname as well. I think it's a nice name but wouldn't want it to look like I'm taking her name. I still see her occasionally
Josette feels contrived, and it's unusual and rare enough that it would seem as if you're copy-catting.