[Games] Aug 1: Options CAF
Last names: your choice DH: Douglas Lawrence/Laurence Freddie Godfrey Henry Montague Quentin Jack Ruán Spencer
DW: Julia Artemis Elizabeth Heather Grace Rosalind Renata Lillian Bella Jean
DD1: Same as her mother or a variation
DD2: May Winifred Mary Vivian Octavia Persephone Odette Lourdes Cassandra Eliza
DS: Same as his father or a variation
DD3: Fern Olivia Jemima Sophia Nell Jeannie Lucinda Martha Dorothy Posy
DD4: Elora Violet Louella Poppy Athena Faith Bethel Rosemary Roberta Belle
DD1 ❤️ Lennox Albert Christopher James Michael Ezra Thomas Alfonso Rafferty Alistair
son: Cooper Frederick Archibald Bobby Harry Alan Ferdinand Augustus Guy Richard
daughter: Same as her mother or a variation
twin daughters: Josephine Isabella Allegra Pia Catherine August Rhona Betty Joy Kay Juniper Francesca Clementine Tatiana
son: Aubrey Charles Herbert Archie George Kimball Freddie Sidney Nico Rafe
DD2 ❤️ Rafe Wolfe Adam Sebastian Macsen Beckett Andrew Teddy Maximilian Archer
daughter: Prudence Arabella Sofia Heidi Penelope Marigold India Clare Cicely Samantha
daughter: Molly Merry Astrid Beatrix Hope Rosalba Konstancja Wren Julianna Jane
son: Rex Hamilton Albie Milo Efan Raife Maxwell Alexander Calvin Anthony DS’s FAMILY
DS ❤️ Nellie Leonora Cecily Bridget Aurora Georgiana Lisabet Antonia Laetitia Kitty
son: Same as his father or a variation
daughter: Annabel Henrietta Sidney Sadie Ianthe Virginia Nancy Lucie Roisin Ada
son/daughter: Matthew Ranulph Max Bruce Edgar Lindsay Kazimir Alec Lorcan Logan & Serena Irene Hattie Honor Ann Fenella Daphne Hermione Nadine Nell DD3s FAMILY
DD3 ❤️ Dollar Bryce Dalton Benjamin Xander Ignatius Geoffrey Cecil Linus Livingston
son: Louis Armistice Constantine Nicko Aloysius Ivar Duncan Grant Gray Monty
son: Rhys Caleb Étienne Huxley Aston Rollo Zachary Balthazar Rémi Patrick
daughter: Hebe Arabella Jemima Heather Cornelia Seraphina Isabel Heledd Ava
son: Willoughby Raef Hubert Edward Peregrine Angus Cynan Nathaniel Leonard Benedict
DD4 ❤️ Rudy Somerset Montgomery Bobby Wilbur Andrew Lachlan Rupert Mark Bertie
twin daughters: Rosie Octavia Tullia Pamela Gillian Tempest Darcey Georgina Diana Hero Hestia Letty Bronwyn Cassia Katharine Freda
twin sons: Digby Hamish Eric Bear Maximus Oran Percy Fitzjames Marmaduke Carlisle Titus Wolfgang Basil Anderson Graham Mungo Quentin
formerly Belphoebe⭐️I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf
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dh : freddie jack wilson
dw : grace elizabeth (moore) wilson dd1 : grace elizabeth (wilson)
dd2 : may lourdes (wilson)
ds1 : freddie jack wilson
dd3 : olivia sophia (wilson)
dd4 : belle violet (wilson)freddie and grace w/ gracie, may, freddie, olivia and belle--
dd1 : grace elizabeth (wilson) blanchett
dh : michael thomas blanchett ds : harry cooper blanchett
dd : grace elizabeth blanchett
dd & dd : isabella francesca blanchett & josephine clementine blanchett
ds : george freddie blanchettgrace and mikey w/ harry, gracie, izzy, josie and george --
dd2 : may lourdes (wilson) bailey
dh : sebastian adam baileydd : cicely arabella bailey
dd : wren molly bailey
ds : alexander milo baileymay and sebastian w/ cicely, wren and alex --
ds1 : freddie jack wilson
dw : antonia nellie (paget) wilsonds : freddie jack wilson
dd : annabel sadie wilson
ds & dd : max logan wilson & honor serena wilsonfreddie and antonia w/ freddie, annabel, max and honor --
dd3 : olivia sophia (wilson) olson
dh : dalton benjamin olsonds : louis gray olson
ds : caleb huxley olson
dd : ava isabel olson
ds : rafe leonard olson olivia and dalton w/ louis, caleb, ava and rafe --
dd4 : belle violet (wilson) howard
dh : wilbur rudy howarddd & dd : rosie tullia howard & darcey georgina howard
ds & ds : percy oran howard & hamish bear howard belle and wilbur w/ rosie, darcey, percy and hamish
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H: Jack Henry Hayes
W: Lillian Elizabeth “Lily” [Snow] HayesD1: Elizabeth Lillian “Libby” Hayes
D2: Winifred Persephone “Winnie” Hayes
S: Henry Jack Hayes
D3: Dorothy Fern Hayes
D4: Athena Poppy Hayes⭐️D1: Elizabeth Lillian “Libby” [Hayes] Jones
-H: Ezra Alistair Jones-S: Augustus Ferdinand “Gus” Jones
-D: Elizabeth Lillian “Buffy” Jones
-D/D: Allegra Betty Jones / Juniper Clementine Jones
-S: Archie Charles Jones⭐️D2: Winifred “Winnie” [Hayes] Silver
-H: Sebastian Wolfe Silver-D: Prudence Penelope “Prue” Silver
-D: Molly Astrid Silver
-S: Alexander Hamilton “Alex” Silver⭐️S: Henry Hayes
-W: Kitty Cecily [Novak] Hayes-S: Henry Jack “Harry” Hayes
-D: Lucie Roisin Hayes
-S/D: Logan Alec Hayes / Daphne Serena Hayes⭐️D3: Dorothy [Hayes] Baylor
-H: Dalton Benjamin Baylor-S: Gray Aloysius Baylor
-S: Zachary Huxley “Zack” Baylor
-D: Jemima Arabella “Jem” Baylor
-S: Nathaniel Edward “Nate” Baylor⭐️D4: Athena [Hayes] Browning
-H: Rupert Montgomery Browning-D/D: Rosie Tullia Browning / Octavia Hestia Browning
-S/S: Carlisle Fitzjames Browning / Basil Hamish Browning
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DH: Jack Lawrence
DW: Lillian Elizabeth “Lillie”
DD1: Elizabeth Lillian “Betsy”
DD2: Mary Odette
DS: Lawrence Jack
DD3: Fern Martha
DD4: Poppy Bethel DD’s FAMILY
Elizabeth Lillian “Betsy” ❤️ Ezra Lennox
DS: Harry Augustus
DD: Elizabeth Lillian “Bessie”
DD/DD: Juniper Catherine “Juni” / Clementine Isabella “Lemmy”
DS: Freddie RafeDD2s FAMILY
Mary Odette ❤️ Archer Sebastian
DD: Marigold India “Goldie”
DD: Astrid Wren
DS: Rex Milo DS’s FAMILY
Lawrence Jack ❤️ Nellie Bridget
DS: John Lawrence
DD: Ada Nancy
DS/DD: Max Edgar & Daphne SerenaDD3s FAMILY
Fern Martha ❤️ Benjamin Xander “Ben”
DS: Louis Gray
DS: Rémi Caleb
DD: Jemima Isabel
DS: Willoughby Angus “Will”DD4’s FAMILY
Poppy Bethel ❤️ Rupert Montgomery
DD/DD: Rosie Georgina / Cassia Gillian
DS/DS: Hamish Percy / Eric Basil
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Last names: your choiceDH : Freddie Jack Robbins
DW : Elizabeth Grace (Bailey) RobbinsDD1 : Elizabeth Grace (Robbins)
DD2 : May Cassandra (Robbins)
DS1 : Freddie Jack Robbins
DD3 : Olivia Sophia (Robbins)
DD4 : Violet Athena (Robbins)Freddie and Elle w/ ElsieMayFreddieOliviaViolet --
DD1 : Elizabeth Grace (Robbins) Blanchett
DH : Michael Thomas Blanchett DS : Harry Cooper Blanchett
DD : Betty Grace Blanchett
DD & DD : Isabella Catherine Blanchett & Josephine Francesca Blanchett
DS : George Freddie BlanchettElsie and Mikey w/ HarryBettyIzzyJosieGeorge --
DD2 : May Cassandra (Robbins) Nichols
DH : Adam Sebastian Nichols DD : Cicely India Nichols

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H: Laurence Henry Quentin
W: Elizabeth Julia GraceD1: Juliet Grace Elizabeth
D2: Vivian Mary Octavia
S1: Henry Laurence Quentin
D3: Lucinda Dorothy Sophia
D4: Violet Athena Rosemary Laurence & Elizabeth (Lizzie); Juliet, Vivian, Henry, Lucinda, and Violet.D’s FAMILY
D1: Juliet Grace Elizabeth
H: Ezra James Christopher S: Augustus Archibald
D: Grace Elizabeth Juliana
D/D: Francesca Joy Tatiana & Clementine Allegra Pia
S: Charles George RafeJuliet & Ezra; Augustus (Gus), Grace, Francesca (Frannie), Clementine (Clea), and Charles (Charlie).D2s FAMILY
D2: Vivian Mary Octavia
H: Adam Beckett D: Arabella Clare
D: Beatrix Jane
S: Calvin AlexanderVivian & Adam; Arabella (Ari), Beatrix (Bea), and Calvin (Cal). S’s FAMILY
S1: Henry Laurence Quentin
W: Laetitia Antonia Cecily S: Henry Quentin Laurence
D: Ada Virginia Sadie
S/D: Lorcan Matthew Edgar & Daphne Ann Fenella Henry (Harry) & Laetitia (Laety); Henry, Ada, Lorcan, and Daphne. D3s FAMILY
D3: Lucinda Dorothy Sophia
H: Ignatius Benjamin S: Duncan Constantine Grant
S: Rhys Caleb Balthazar
D: Jemima Isabel Ava
S: Nathaniel Benedict Rafe Lucinda (Lucy) & Ignatius (Nate); Duncan, Rhys, Jemima (Mima), and Nathaniel.D4’s FAMILY
D4: Violet Athena Rosemary
H: Montgomery Rupert D/D: Diana Katharine & Gillian Hero
S/S: Graham Fitzjames & Quentin Hamish Violet & Montgomery (Monty); Diana (Dinah), Gillian (Gill), Graham, and Quentin (Quennie).
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DH: Laurence Spencer Harding
DW: Artemis Grace Harding nee Pendleton
DD1: Artemisia Grace Harding
DD2: Cassandra Mary Harding
DS: Laurence Spencer Harding "Spencer"
DD3: Olivia Fern Harding
DD4: Violet Athena HardingLaurence & Artemis
Artemisia | Cassandra | Spencer | Olivia | VioletDD’s FAMILY
DD1: Artemisia Grace Robertson nee Harding
❤️ Lennox Michael Robertson
son: Frederick Alan Robertson "Freddie"
daughter: Artemisia Grace Robertson "Grace"
twin daughters: Josephine August Robertson "Josie" / Tatiana Francesca Robertson "Tatty"
son: Charles George Robertson "Charlie"Artemisia & Lennox

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DH: Jack Henry Montague
DW: Elizabeth Julia Grace Montague "Betsy"DD1: Eliza Juliet Montague
DD2: Vivian Cassandra Montague
DS: Jack Henry Montague, Jr. "JJ"
DD3: Sophia Dorothy Montague
DD4: Violet Belle MontagueDD’s FAMILY
Eliza Juliet Montague Rafferty ❤️ James Alistair Rafferty
son: Harry Frederick Rafferty
daughter: Elise Juliana Rafferty
twin daughters: Josephine Allegra Rafferty "Josie" / Juniper Catherine Rafferty "Juni"
son: Charles Sidney Rafferty "Charlie"DD2s FAMILY
Vivian Cassandra Montague Wolfe ❤️ Andrew Beckett Wolfe
daughter: Arabella Cicely Wolfe "Ari"
daughter: Beatrix Wren Wolfe "Trixie"
son: Alexander Milo Wolfe "Alex"DS’s FAMILY
Jack Henry Montague, Jr. "JJ" ❤️ Aurora Georgiana Logan Montague
son: Jack Henry Montague III
daughter: Virginia Lucie Montague "Ginny"
son/daughter: Lorcan Matthew Montague & Fenella Irene Montague "Ellie"DD3s FAMILY
Sophia Dorothy Montague Livingston ❤️ Bryce Benjamin Livingston
son: Gray Aloysius Livingston
son: Rhys Caleb Livingston
daughter: Cornelia Seraphina Livingston "Neely"
son: Benedict Nathaniel Livingston "Ben"DD4’s FAMILY
Violet Belle Montague Somerset ❤️ Mark Montgomery Somerset
twin daughters: Diana Freda Somerset / Cassia Gillian Somerset
twin sons: Quentin Hamish Somerset / Graham Carlisle Somerset
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DH: Laurence Montague 'Laurie' Fry, Sr.
DW: Rosalind Elizabeth 'Roz' [Capp] Fry, Sr.
DD1: Rosalind Elizabeth 'Lindy' Fry, Jr.
DD2: Octavia Persephone 'Tavy' Fry
DS: Laurence Montague 'Monty' Fry, Jr.
DD3: Dorothy Martha 'Dotty' Fry
DD4: Roberta Violet 'Berty' Fry
Rosalind Elizabeth 'Lindy' [Fry, Jr.] Thomas, Sr. ❤️ Albert Christopher Thomas
son: Frederick Ferdinand 'Freddie' Thomas
daughter: Rosalind Elizabeth 'Rosabeth' Thomas, Jr.
twin daughters: Josephine Joy 'JJ' Thomas / Clementine Allegra 'Cat' Thomas
son: Archibald Aubrey 'Archie' Thomas
Octavia Persephone 'Tavy' [Fry] Beckett ❤️ Theodore Sebastian 'Teddy' Beckett
daughter: Prudence Marigold 'Prudie' Beckett
daughter: Beatrix Konstancja 'Trixie' Beckett
son: Reginald Calvin 'Rex' Beckett
Laurence Montague 'Monty' Fry, Jr. ❤️ Antonia Leonora [Pleasant] Fry
son: Laurence Montague 'Laz' Fry, III
daughter: Henrietta Virginia 'Hattie' Fry
son/daughter: Edgar Ranulph 'Ned' Fry / Fenella Irene 'Nellie' Fry
Dorothy Martha 'Dotty' [Fry] Livingston ❤️ Cecil Benjamin Livingston
son: Duncan Louis Livingston
son: Roland Balthazar 'Rollo' Livingston
daughter: Cornelia Isabel Livingston
son: Benedict Hubert Livingston
Roberta Violet 'Berty' [Fry] Somerset ❤️ Rutherford Wilbur 'Rudy' Somerset
twin daughters: Tullia Katherine Somerset / Hestia Pamela Somerset
twin sons: Basil Quentin Somerset / Digby Titus Somerset
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DH: Henry Douglas Howell
DW: Elizabeth Jean {Cameron} HowellDD: Elizabeth Jean {Howell} Chase
— DH: James Christopher Chase
— DS: Frederick Alan Chase
— DD: Elizabeth Jean Chase
— DD: Josephine August Chase [twin]
— DD: Clementine Isabella Chase [twin]
— DS: Charles Sidney ChaseDD: Winifred Mary {Howell} Hoffman
— DH: Sebastian Andrew Hoffman
— DD: Penelope Clare Hoffman
— DD: Beatrix Wren Hoffman
— DS: Calvin Maxwell HoffmanDS: Henry Douglas Howell II
— DW: Cecily Antonia Jacobs
— DS: Henry Douglas Howell III
— DD: Sadie Annabel Howell
— DS: Logan Matthew [twin]
— DD: Hattie Nadine Howell [twin] DD: Dorothy Sophia {Howell} Johns
— DH: Benjamin Linus Johns
— DS: Duncan Louis Johns
— DS: Zachary Patrick Johns
— DD: Ava Seraphina Johns
— DS: Nathaniel Edward JohnsDD: Rosemary Faith {Howell} Peck
— DH: Lachlan Andrew Peck
— DD: Bronwyn Diana Peck [twin]
— DD: Darcey Pamela Peck [twin]
— DS: Titus Graham Peck [twin]
— DS: Quentin Wolfgang Peck [twin]
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DH: Laurence Jack
DW: Julia GraceDD1: Julia Grace
DD2: Vivian May
DS: Laurence Jack
DD3: Olivia Fern
DD4: Violet BelleDD’s FAMILY
Julia Grace ❤️ Thomas James
son: Bobby Cooper
daughter: Julia Grace
twin daughters: Betty Kay / Pia Joy
son: Nico GeorgeDD2s FAMILY
Vivian May ❤️ Sebastian Archer
daughter: India "Indi" Clare
daughter: Beatrix "Bea" Jane
son: Rex AnthonyDS’s FAMILY
Laurence Jack ❤️ Lisabet Antonia
son: Laurence Jack
daughter: Henrietta "Etta" Lucie
son/daughter: Matthew Alec & Daphne AnnDD3s FAMILY
Olivia Fern ❤️ Benjamin Xander
son: Louis Grant
son: Caleb Rémi
daughter: Arabella Ava
son: Angus RaefDD4’s FAMILY
Violet Belle ❤️ Rudy Montgomery
twin daughters: Bronwyn Letty / Cassia Katharine
twin sons: Eric Carlisle / Graham Maximus
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DH: Henry Quentin Higgins
DW: Elizabeth Jean [Van] Higgins DD1: Elizabeth Jean Higgins
DD2: Vivian May Higgins
DS: Henry Quentin Higgins
DD3: Martha Dorothy Higgins
DD4: Athena Faith Higgins Henry and Betsy Higgins
Liz, Vivian, Hank, Martha, and Athena
~DD1: Elizabeth Jean [Higgins] Yarding
DH: Ezra James YardingDS: Alan Frederick Yarding
DD: Elizabeth Jean Yarding
DD/DD: Josephine Kay Yarding / Catherine Clementine Yarding
DS: Nico George YardingLiz and Ezra Yarding
Alan, Ellie, Josie & Catie, and Nico
~DD2: Vivian May [Higgins] James
DH: Beckett Wolfe JamesDD: Heidi Samantha James
DD: Astrid Rosalba James
DS: Calvin Maxwell JamesVivian and Beckett James
Heidi, Astrid, and Calvin
~DS: Henry Quentin Higgins
DW: Cecily Antonia [Marcci] HigginsDS: Henry Quentin Higgins
DD: Sadie Annabel Higgins
DS/DD: Matthew Logan Higgins / Nadine Honor HigginsHank and Cecily Higgins
Harry, Sadie, and Matt & Nadine
~DD3: Martha Dorothy [Higgins] Tyler
DH: Linus Ignatius TylerDS: Duncan Gray Tyler
DS: Caleb Balthazar Tyler
DD: Heather Ava Tyler
DS: Nathaniel Edward TylerMartha and Linus Tyler
Duncan, Caleb, Heather, and Nate
~DD4: Athena Faith [Higgins] South
DH: Rupert Montgomery SouthDD/DD: Bronwyn Octavia South / Georgina Hestia South
DS/DS: Carlisle Hamish South / Percy Anderson SouthAthena and Rupert South
Bronwyn & Georgina, and Carlisle & Percy
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DH: Laurence Godfrey Arbuthnot
DW: Renata Lillian Korycki
DD1: Lillian Renata Arbuthnot
DD2: Odette Winifred Arbuthnot
DS: Godfrey Laurence Arbuthnot
DD3: Jemima Dorothy Arbuthnot
DD4: Roberta Violet ArbuthnotDD1’s FAMILY
Lillian Renata Arbuthnot ❤️ Christopher Alfonso Iannuzzi
S: Augustus Ferdinand Iannuzzi
D: Renata Lillian Iannuzzi
D/D: Allegra Tatiana Iannuzzi & Pia Francesca Iannuzzi
S: Niccolo Herbert "Nico" Iannuzzi DD2's FAMILY
Odette Winifred Arbuthnot ❤️ Theodor Maximilian "Teddy" Gossauer
D: Prudence Arabella Gossauer
D: Astrid Rosalba Gossauer
S: Calvin Maxwell GossauerDS’s FAMILY
Godfrey Laurence Arbuthnot ❤️ Leonora Cecily Wiltshire
S: Laurence Godfrey "Ren" Arbuthnot
D: Ianthe Virginia Arbuthnot
S/D: Edgar Lorcan Arbuthnot & Daphne Irene ArbuthnotDD3's FAMILY
Jemima Dorothy Arbuthnot ❤️ Linus Benjamin O'Hare
S: Duncan Louis O'Hare
S: Huxley Patrick O'Hare
D: Hebe Jemima O'Hare
S: Willoughby Angus O'HareDD4’s FAMILY
Roberta Violet Arbuthnot ❤️ Rudolph Somerset "Rudy" Blankenship
D/D: Tullia Katharine Blankenship & Octavia Georgina Blankenship
S/S: Wolfgang Percy Blankenship & Quentin Basil Blankenship
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DH: Jack Henry
DW: Julia Artemis
DD1: Julia Artemis
DD2: Vivian May
DS: Jack Henry
DD3: Olivia Lucinda
DD4: Violet BelleDD’s FAMILY
DD1 ❤️ Ezra Michael
son: Cooper Frederick
daughter: Julia Artemis
twin daughters: Allegra Catherine / Francesca Juniper
son: Nico Charles DD2s FAMILY
DD2 ❤️ Sebastian Adam
daughter: Clare Samantha
daughter: Molly Jane
son: Maxwell Anthony "Max"DS’s FAMILY
DS ❤️ Bridget Aurora
son: Jack Henry
daughter: Sadie Annabel
son/daughter: Logan Matthew & Serena AnnDD3s FAMILY
DD3 ❤️ Xander Benjamin
son: Grant Constantine
son: Rhys Patrick
daughter: Ava Isabel
son: Nathaniel EdwardDD4’s FAMILY
DD4 ❤️ Lachlan Andrew
twin daughters: Gillian Diana / Katharine Georgina "Kate"
twin sons: Eric Anderson / Graham Quentin
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Freddie Montague McIlroy ❤️ Grace Jean Holloway
Gracie Jeanne McIlroy
Eliza Odette McIlroy
Frederick Monty McIlroy
Posy Sophia McIlroy
Elora Poppy McIlroy***BONTEMPS FAMILY
Gracie Jeanne McIlroy ❤️ Rafferty Ezra Thomas Bontemps
Archibald Harry
Grace Jeanna
Allegra Clementine & Juniper Francesca
George Kimball*LOWELL FAMILY
Eliza Odette McIlroy ❤️ Archer Sebastian Lowell
Arabella Sofia Clare
Astrid Julianna Molly
Alexander Calvin Hamilton*MCILROY FAMILY
Frederick Monty McIlroy ❤️ Nellie Leonora Bowden
Fred Montague
Ada Lucie
Lorcan Bruce & Daphne Nell*LIVINGSTON FAMILY
Posy Sophia McIlroy ❤️ Bryce Xander Livingston
Ivar Constantine
Rollo Zachary
Hebe Seraphina
Angus Peregrine*NEWELL FAMILY
Elora Poppy McIlroy ❤️ Mark Rupert Newell
Octavia Darcey & Georgina Letty
Mungo Marmaduke & Hamish Anderson
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