[Opinions] I'm back with an interesting list ;)
I wasn't able to post for a while, but I'm excited to be back and let you know which names I'm interested in right now :) Hope you're all well!Comments appreciated :)Chloe
*Met a girl named this yesterday and thought it was sweet. Sounds like kee-ko.
**yoo-kee (Kiko's sister)


I like Angel and Summer, though I'd prefer Angela
Oh you warmed up to Grace! I'm pleased LOL. I also like Summer. I didn't used to like it, as a kid I thought it was a mean girl's name, popular, blonde and bullies. As an adult, I've known a few Summers that were actually lovely people that didn't fit that description at all. I actually kind of low-key love Summer now and would even consider it if my future husband was super naming conservative. Eva-Rose is cute, but I think I prefer it without the hyphen. Yuki and her different variants I have loved for a long time now. In fact, maybe 10 years ago I wanted to marry a Japanese man just so I would have an excuse to use it as a white person! LMAO. Angel isn't really my cup of tea and I tend to prefer the longer variants, Angeline / Angelina, Angelia, Angelique, Angelica, met an Angeliese at Disney's Epcot once! I can like Angel a bit more if it is a nickname for one of those or similar.
Chloe - it's an alright name, but I wouldn't use it myself. It's too popular in Europe. Plus, many people just use it because of its pronunciation and not the history behind it.Eva-Rose - I don't like hyphenated names in English; they are fine in French, but they feel too fabricated in English. Thus, I only like Eva and Rose separately.Tahnee - weird spelling. Tawny is better.Grace - this one is very pretty and timeless. I used to think it was boring.Angel - I only like it for a boy. Angela, Angelia, Angelina, Angelica and Angelique are much better feminine choices.Summer - like Grace, I used to dislike this one in the past. Now I think it's alright, I don't particularly like either.Kiko - fine as a Japanese name, although I prefer other -ko names, such as Reiko, Nanako, Yaeko, Emiko, Keiko... Kiko is also a Spanish diminutive of Francisco, so that's my first association.Yuki - one of my favourite Japanese names of all time. It seems to be very common in Japan, especially in Japanese media.
I love Chloe, and I've always had good luck with the Chloe people I know.
Eva is a family name - an aunt who didn't have a mn. I prefer Eve or Evelyn, and I don't enjoy Rose, especially when hyphenated.
Tahnee looks like a Disney invention. This site says it's a version of Tawny: not in my accent, it isn't.
Grace is risky. Like a tone-deaf Melody, a Grace who's always falling over her feet would be unfortunate. I know a lovely Grace, whose brother used to call her Dis when they were kids, and she never minded ...
Angel is a title or, perhaps, an occupation. Angela is a name, and quite a nice one.
Summer! There's a Canadian Olympic athlete whose names are Summer Mackintosh, and my family keeps on joking about climate change. I don't like season names.
Kiko and Yuki are outside my language and environment. I'd be happy and interested to meet them, but I'd only consider using the names for, say, pet parrots. And I don't like the idea of pet birds, so I wouldn't, anyway.
I like Grace and Summer.I prefer more substantial Japanese female names like Emiko, Hanako, Hisako, Mariko, Masako, Sachiko, Sadako, Sakura and Suzume.
I like Chloe, Angel, Summer, Kiko, and Yuki.