[Opinions] Trouble Picking a Character Name
Long story short, I'm writing a story set in the near future. Since two of the characters would have already been born by 2024, I just picked names from the a few ranks down the list of the most popular for the given year but two of them are born after 2024 and I've got myself stuck in a loop of trying to be predictive over thinking so I thought I'd ask for some input.Characters in question:
Male, born 2025, younger brother of a character I've already dubbed Mia
Male, born 2036, child characterStory is set in UKAny suggestions?


2025 could be Jace, and 2036 could be John.
Well I'm in the US but I was shocked that the boy name Cash is more popular than for i stance Douglas. I can't imagine that as a baby name and yet it seems to be gaining popularity. I don't know if it is a last name being made first name like Johnny Cash or if it is literally people being named after money
Kind of going off of what Anneza said below, I've had characters where I wrote the entire story with their name as just a _____ until the very end because I couldn't figure it out. It worked out fine. If you have more than one character that you don't know the name of, you can just do '-----' and '_____.' Feel free to use a name generator to generate random names and see if there are any you like. Or flip through a name book. A lot of names I've chosen have been random names that I just saw randomly (in real life and in the name book) and liked, or names that started off as nicknames for the character. To conclude, it's more important to just get your story written down first. The details don't matter yet.
However, some names:
I could probably give some better suggestions if I knew more about your story theme/characters.
Just use any old names. Write your story. Then either you'll discover that you actually like, let's say, Clive and Martin, or that Clive is more like a Geoff, or whatever. The child character could, if necessary, go by a nickname - Freckles, or Chuffy. If you can't name your own characters, I really don't know how you expect us to! But if you sit around stressing about character names, you probably won't even start writing. Let us know when you've made your choices.
I'd dither over even a place holder name unfortunately. At the moment it's a endless string of "that doesn't fit, that doesn't fit".