[Opinions] Thoughts on the name Blake for a girl?
What do you think of Blake for a girl?


It definitely is a thing as a female name, Though the only notable bearer I could find for the name (who is a female) is Blake Lively. It sounds too masculine, but you could pair it with a name that has a "x" or "k" sound. Some examples:
Alexis Blake
Katherine Blake
Roxanne Blake
I assume it's not what you were going for, but a more feminine alternative is Bianca or Brooke.

This message was edited 8/8/2024, 10:02 PM

I think its handsome but do not like it on a girl.
I don't like it at all on a girl, as I find Blake as a handsome, masculine name (though, it's not one of my absolute favorites).
I don’t like it for a girl (I can barely tolerate it on a boy). On a girl, it sounds like the head cheerleader in a 2000s teen movie.
I like it :) I also think it works really well as a middle name. Particularly with 3 syllable names I've noticed -Natalie Blake
Annika Blake
Lavender Blake
Aria Blake It could be in my head but they all give off leading lady vibes to me :)
I love it on a girl. On a boy is fine as well, though.
It's alright, it doesn't look too masculine, and I agree with Higuma, it's not different from Brooke. However, I like it better on a boy.
I don't really like it on a girl.
Absolutely not. Hate it for a girl, but also hate it in general.
Blake is part of the yuppy crowd with Chad and Brock.
Just another lnfn; tedious.
What is lnfn?
*Last name first name
Ohhh thanks
I don’t like Blake for a girl but I tolerate it on a boy.
Extremely boring.
Hate is not too strong a word. It's barely tolerable on a boy it's a felonious assault on a girl.
Don't like it for a girl
I don’t like the name Blake for either gender.

This message was edited 8/7/2024, 1:30 PM

I actually really like it. Gives cool girl vibes.And it's not too different from Brooke.
I hate Blake for a girl.
It is a very blunt name and kinda white bread. It isn't my style, but it isn't bad.