[Opinions] Alternatives to sister's name, please and thank you
(Trigger warning: Abuse briefly talked about but not in-detail) So, since I have been on a break from school this week and have an additional week off, I wanted to use this time to begin work on my long-desired memoir. I'm actually quite contented to have gotten the first two chapters in; that's a fairly good start.As some on here are aware, I have a very complicated relationship with my older sister, who plays an integral part in my story and my trauma history, unfortunately. Several people will have changed names for privacy's sake in case I ever want to seek publication. (However slim that may be, but to be frank, I think I have a fairly wild story if you've ever heard me talk about it in my lounge posts.) With that said, I don't want to use either of my sisters' true names for the story. I have already selected my younger sister's, which I feel suits both her original vibe and is different enough to not be immediately recognizable. However, I still get a bit stuck on my elder sister's alternative name. Nothing else seems to quite capture it the way her true name does.My older sister is a Christine (though she has been "Christina" as well and has used both at different times in her life). I have considered "Jessica" and occasionally "Samantha" as fill-in alternatives that have similar vibes to what I am going for, but I am not married to the ideas. For context to better set the stage: My elder sister is a strawberry blonde, sort of leaning redhead, with a small nose, small blue eyes, and freckles. She is somewhat plain looking in appearance but not unattractive. Some of the things I intend to explore include how we were closer as children, but not as overtly close as you would assume for siblings 2.5 years apart. Her personality was marked by an extreme leaning into hyper femininity, influenced by our very religious early life. She was obsessed with Disney princess lore well into her late teens and early 20s (and still might be, as we lost contact). Her favorite was Belle from Beauty and the Beast. She loved wearing old-fashioned, modest dresses, some she sewed herself, and especially loved girly pastels, with pastel yellow being her favorite. She clung to religion and Christianity like a lifeline in our chaotic and perilous childhood and adolescence. Unfortunately, she also used it as an excuse to administer abusive behavior on myself and others, and could be incredibly cruel during her worst moments. Think "pretense of hyper girly, and garishly giggly and sweet in public, but with an incredibly dark and malicious side she hides until she is behind closed doors." She was named "Christine" after the Stephen King movie "Christine" from the 80s, but it is also supposed to be a nod to Christianity itself. Also worth noting: Though unintentionally on my end, "Christine" is the variant I often refer to her when regarding to her darker tendencies, but "Christina" was what I would call her when I was small, and is also still what I refer to her as when talking about happier memories and warmer regards. Perhaps there is a variant element to this worth exploring in the ideas? What name(s) do you feel I should use? Thank you for your time.Please rate my "Names I would Use" list & "Backup Favorites" list. Feel free to rate some of my other lists too if you have the time.


My first thought was Gabriella/Gabrielle. Or maybe Hannah, Rebecca?
What about Arabelle / Arabella or Anabel / Anabella?I hope writing is therapeutic for you.
I have heard some (some!) of your story over the years, as an avid user of Behind the Name. I offer my sincerest condolences for everything that you have went through, and if you ever need to talk...I am here (I have PTSD myself, regarding childhood trauma...not like that makes me any more trustworthy, but I just wanted to offer support). I do hope that writing this memoir helps you comfort these deep, hurtful wounds. Personally, I love to write, and it's one of my coping skills for PTSD...it tremendously helps me to apply myself (somewhere) in my stories. I'd like to preface, that I do enjoy some of these names...so, I'm not saying that I think of "nasty women" when hearing these names. However, I think that they could fit your sister, based on the description I've heard.Claire (or maybe Clarice / Clarise and Clarissa)
Isabella (Also Isabel or Isabelle; this is after your sister's favorite Disney princess, and I know redheads with these names.)
Teresa / Theresa
Brianna (I also love the name Breann, and think it could suit your sister...but the spelling might be too complicated for your taste!)
Doreen (though I do prefer the spelling of Dorine!)
I’m an Isabella with red hair 😂😅
Haha, that's amazing! I don't know why, but I think red hair and the name Isabella go hand-in-hand, lol. (Also, this is probably gonna come across as weird, but I swear I don't mean for that. I'm a blonde, but my beard is completely bright orange, so I love to hear that your hair is red. Lol, welcome to the club 🧡)

This message was edited 8/8/2024, 12:10 PM

I love that 🧡 My oldest brother doesn’t have a beard because it will be red as well! Unlike my younger brother who has the same colour beard as the hair on his head. My youngest sister is a mutant though as her hair is white 🥲 Fascinating how genetics work!
I veto Samantha because that’s my name and I don’t want to be associated with someone abusive. :(
I’ll add Isabella / Belle to that list too ;)
I mean fair enough
I picture her being a Brittany, from your description. I actually don’t think Samantha feels right, as I’ve only met nice Samanthas(that's just me though).
Jessica is the perfect "girly girl with a mean streak" name to me so that's a good pick. All the Jessicas I've known have been brutal.If you wanted to keep a tie to the past, I'd maybe use something like Bella, or Isabelle, that points at the femininity and Disney stuff, but isn't too obvious. You could also use the name of other people or characters that share similar traits with your sister's character, like Annie for Annie Wilkes (also that ties into her real name as Misery was written by Stephen King who also wrote Christine), or Millie or Louise (referencing nurse Mildred Ratched from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, a famous character that symbolizes how people use the system to gain power and abuse others; she was played by actress Louise Fletcher).
I’d choose something with a religous link as that is part of the trauma. I don’t know any of the ministers below thought. Where I live we don’t have anything like the tv ministers in the USA.I’d name your sister Charlotte, after minister Charles Swindoll and I like that both start with the letter C and end in the letter E.
Taylor after Gardner C. Taylor.
Adrienne after Adrian Rogers.
Robin after Haddon Robinson
Andrea / Drea after Andy Stanley
Piper after John Piper
Jacqueline / Jackie after Jack Hayford
Maybe Theresa / Terri, although I don’t think you are Catholic, as they say Mother Theresa had a dark side as well.
I'm sorry to hear about your abusive childhood. It's a crappy way to begin life but you survived. I hope writing your book will be cathartic for you. Good luck.Every Samantha I've ever known has had a cruel streak so I like that option of yours.Suggestions Rachel

This message was edited 8/8/2024, 5:10 AM