[Opinions] Names I’ve started to like recently
Elliot/Elliott(only on a boy)


I favor Lydia and Julia
I like all of these (:
I absolutely love the names Lydia, Julia, Marie, and Anastasia!
Love Lydia and Julia.
I completely *love* Josephine & Lydia. Both are overwhelmingly beautiful and sophisticated and they also happen to be the names of my cats. 😊🩶🤍🐈‍⬛🩷
Anastasia is beautiful as well and will always bring to mind the animated movie in which I was quite fond of as a kid. As well as Julia.Marie is ok, prefer Maria more, like Elliot (this spelling. I find the double l & t in Elliott to be overkill) Casper isn't my thing at all. I much prefer Jasper and it doesn't bring to mind ghosts.

This message was edited 8/11/2024, 7:46 AM

I like Casper and Lydia. Josephine is nice enough but on the way out for me. The rest don't appeal to me at all.
I like/love:
MarieJosephine & Elliot/Elliott are okay.
I like all except Casper
i love Casper and Anastasia (for a nickname I'd call her stassie tho)
Absolute TASTE.
Thank you!
Casper gets a bum rap because of the Friendly Ghost cartoon but the characterbis kind of cute so I don't know what the big deal is. I like Jasper so why not Casper? I like Josephine on your list as well as both Joseph and Josephine are family names for me.
I like Casper
Anastasia is very elegant
Josephine is nice, no strong feelings from me tho
Lydia is pretty, ik a Lydia Jane and i think its nice
I really like Julia along with other juli- names
Marie is classic and pretty. Ive mostly ever seen it as a middle name, so honestly i think a Marie would be refreshing, though maybe not for everyone
I've always liked Elliott, its a good name