[Opinions] Are there names you would like to see more on little kids?
My mom taught preschool a few years ago. We saw two of her old students(Teddy and George) recently, and their little sister was named Mary Margaret. I thought that was really sweet and refreshing for a little girl. I would also be thrilled if I met a little girl named Helen, Ruth, Marie or Anne. Are there names you would like to see more on little kids?


Not trying to be rude at all, but we really do not need any more Marys, Annas, or Marias.

This message was edited 8/19/2024, 12:42 PM

Ida & Viola are my top two.
I met a little girl called Helen today and recently I met a little girl called Nell. I also know a girl called Josephine. Mary Margaret is lovely. I'd happy to meet an Anne, Lydia, Janie or Elizabeth. For boys, probably James and Edward.
Sorry this is such a late reply, but I’m so happy to hear of a little Helen!
I've come across two little ones named Mary over the last few years and I was tickled pink both times. I asked both parents if they were named after grandma's and both times the parents said some variation of they just liked it, which is pretty interesting! Other names I would like to see more of for the littles: Doris, Bernice, Florence, Nellie, Alice, Laura instead of Lauren, Edith, Helena, Dorothy, Louise and Louisa, Hattie, Mattie, Mae, Faye, Flora, Lottie, Marguerite, Maude, Esther, Heidi, Marian, Leona, Lela, Winifred, Betty, Margery / Marjorie, Rhoda, Corinne, Lenora, Thelma / Thelma-Lou, Minerva, Veronica, Maybelle, Charity, Vada, Frederick,Francis, Clyde, Martin, Edwin, Edmund, Otto, Jesse, Stanley, Percival / Percy,

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Mary Margaret's mom must have been a Once Upon a Time fan LOL
I’d love to meet a child named Diane or Suzanne. A young Maury would also delight me!
I taught a boy named Immanuel last year. Def stands out for the right reqson
I'd love to hear about little kids named stuff like Deborah, Douglas, Janine, Francis, Helen, Vernon, Moira.... I would get a real kick out of that.
I would like to see Janine and Moira come back as well. In my program and throughout my undergrad we had to make up fake clients a lot (to treatment plan and such) and one of the clients I regularly write about is a fictional 16 year old named Janine, lol, so it still feels teenager to me even though it's anything but. This makes me want to someday make a post on some of the fictional clients names I've written about over the years lol

This message was edited 8/11/2024, 2:46 PM