[Opinions] My first PNL
I found an old notebook from when I was eleven, featuring what I think was my first personal names list. I used a similar format to what I use now, including my favourite names for every letter of the alphabet. However, I didn’t have a unisex category, so unisex names were placed into boys or girls based on preference. What do you think of these? Can you recall your own first PNL?
A- Azalea, Angelica, Alora / Ash, August, Arthur, Aris, Atlas, Able, Ansel, Axel
B- Blu / Ben, Blue
C- Calliope, Clementine, Clara, Clairo, Curie / Cosmo, Charlie, Credence
D- Daria, Drista, Diana, Dodie / Diego, Darrel
E- Evelyn, Evie, Elenor, Elizabeth, Ezgi, Enola, Eden / Edward, Eden, Ezra
F- Flora, Felicity, Florence, Florentine, Freya / Felix, Frank
G- Grey, Ginger, Gemma, Greta, Ginny, Gabrielle / George, Gray
H- Hazel, Helena, Hannah / Hugo, Henry
I- Iona, Isla, Ivy / Ivan
J- Julia, June, July, Jenny / Jack, Joe, Jamie
K- Keira, Kit / Karl, Klaus, Kit
L- Lola, Lily, Lani, Lera / Leo, Leonardo, Lemony
M- Mila, Monica, Marina, Mei, Modesty, Maxine / Milo, Maury, Max, Millard
N- Nari, Noa, Nea, Nola / Noah, Nicholas, Nero
O- Opal, Ottiline, Octavia / Otto
P- Peri, Presley / Paris
Q- Queenie / Quincy
R- Rose, Riley, Ruby, Romey / Rey, Rueben, Rocco, Riley, Rumi
S- Selin, Saela, Sophie, Summer, Sylvie, Sylvia / Soren, Sage
T- Thea / Toby, Thomas
U- Ulani, Urielle / Ulysses
V- Violet, Valentine / Victor, Valentine
W- Willow / William, Wilbur
X- Xia / Xan
Y- Yara, Yael / Yael
Z- Zellie, Zoya, Zola, Zelda / Zeke, Zach


That's a very organized list! I wish I could find my very first list of names I ever loved. But if it existed I probably destroyed it, because I felt oddly ashamed of my name obsession when I was young. If I try to think back as far as I can, around age 7 to 9, I can distinctly remember liking...Hillary
Aaron (this was the first name I ever remember liking in terms of a "name for a child" but I didn't tend to look at names that way most of the time)
Galatea (although I mispronounced it as "ga-LAY-sha" for like a decade, how embarrassing)
Denison (I "came up with" this one myself, from a surname)
Akhsah (this one is burned into my brain because my little name book said the meaning was "a tinkling anklet" and I really loved that.)That's all I can recall clearly. I remember my taste being heavily influenced by stuff like mythology, classical music, art, and books. I used to read this huge illustrated encyclopedia we had, and that exposed me to a lot. It's probably why my taste is so "bookish" even to this day.
Thank you! It’s a pity your older lists are lost or destroyed, I always like looking though my old names lists when I find them.
I like Hillary, Aaron, Sylvia and Millicent- very good taste! With Galatea, I can relate to the mispronouncing- I definitely wasn’t pronouncing Calliope right at the time, and I can remember pronouncing Eloise and EEL-OYS for a long time. It’s cool to me how people’s different tastes varied as kids, how they’ve changed and what sorts of things influenced them at the time!
Like/LoveA- Azalea, Angelica, Arthur, Ansel
B- Ben
C- Calliope, Clementine, Clara, Charlie
D- Daria, Diana, Diego
E- Evelyn, Elizabeth, Eden, Edward
F- Flora, Felicity, Freya, Felix
G- Greta, Ginny, Gabrielle
H- Helena, Hannah, Hugo
I- Iona, Ivan
J- June, Jack
K- Keira, Kit
L- Lily, Leo
M- Maxine, Milo, Max
N- Noah
O- Octavia, Otto
P- None
Q- None
R- Ruby, Rumi
S- Sophie, Summer, Sylvie, Sylvia, Soren
T- Thea, Toby, Thomas
U- Ulysses
V- Violet, Victor, Valentine
W- Willow, Wilbur
X- None
Y- None
Z- Zoya, Zola, Zelda, ZekeI must say you had very sophisticated tastes in names for an 11-year-old. Were you a precocious child who read a lot at that age? Did you have an imaginary friend or write stories/poetry? My childhood lists are buried somewhere in my house in a box. I guess when I move I will find them.

This message was edited 8/11/2024, 6:09 PM

Thank you! I definitely read a lot (you can see a few of the names taken from Lemony Snicket), and I made up a lot of stories. I was probably first finding this website at that age as well.
Are you sure this is the one from when you were 11? Cuz some of these are pretty unusual for an 11 year old to be aware of. When I was 11 the only names in my first lists were names I came in contact with IRL or on TV/ in the movies. Still a relatively small pool.
I joined this website when I was 9 and was quickly obsessed with browsing names, so anything's possible. I don't actually remember my first PNL, though. I wish I did.
Right. Well and you are younger. I'm in my late 20s I didn't have much internet access besides at school until I was maybe 15/16. But if Peregrine were any older than like 21 it just seems sus to me 😆 especially because most of the exact same names repeat on their current lists on their profile. I don't think most 11 year olds even interested in names would like some of those choices though.

This message was edited 8/11/2024, 7:42 PM

Are you kidding? Once I got ahold of a decent baby name book, I was circling things like Rukmini and Tullia. Those books had some fantastical stuff in them, and that was in the 90s! I can't even imagine how wild my first name lists would have been if I was born after the year 2000.
Just look at their PNL, the exact same names repeat. But they said it was an "old notebook"?

This message was edited 8/11/2024, 8:43 PM

They could have added them recently after rediscovering this list? That's what I would assume anyway.
Well you're more generous than me. I just don't like false pretense
Okay let me clarify then: I do think it is possible, but I do think they are fibbing.
I’m pretty sure I would’ve been eleven based on some of the other things in the notebook, yes. I’d probably just found this website at the time so was beginning to broaden my taste, but a lot of these are names of people I knew at the time too. I don’t want to say my age but I am under 18, so yes my favourites generally haven’t changed drastically in a matter of years, though that being said I counted and only 15 of the 148 names written here (+ maybe 4 that were spelled differently) are the same as ones on my PNL, so it’s not true that ‘most of the exact same names repeat on my current lists on my profile’.
I’m sorry you think I’m fibbing, I’m not sure if there’s anything I can do to disprove that. It was a few years ago, I had access to this website (probably the main contributor), I read a lot and I loved names- so I understand that maybe the list would’ve been beyond most eleven year olds, but it is genuinely just what I found. Even I was surprised by a few of the names on it!

This message was edited 8/12/2024, 12:44 AM

Sorry honey, I still don't believe you 😅😆 even if you had internet access, these don't feel like an 11 year old's taste in names, and too many of the names repeat for me to find this believable. As well as a few other things not adding up. Happy naming though.