[Games] Ari's NTNB #5 - 1910
BATH, 1910H [49] Brigadier-General Arthur Lionel Tarquin Blackstock (Emily Amy)
W [44] Venezia Romilly Hero Burdet (Wraith)S1 [19] Arthur Hannibal Wulfhard Blackstock (cher529s)
- Fiancée [20]D1 [17] Guinevere Charis Letizia Blackstock (JuliaF)
- BF [22]S2 [15] Samson Jericho Marcus Blackstock (Guest)
D2 [13] Evangeline Camilla Aktaie Blackstock (JuliaF)
S3 [11] Leonidas Enoch Tarquin Blackstock (.)
D3 [9] Lavinia Constance Hero Blackstock (Uilos)
S4 [6] Hector Osric Maximilian Blackstock (RowenaRavenclaw)---It is the autumn of 1910 and Arthur's military career has continued to progress: last year he was made Brigadier-General. The growing tensions in Europe, especially the arms race and naval build-up between Britain and Germany, have only increased his workload and stress, and led him to neglect Venezia, whose health is failing. Arthur's health also begins to show signs of strain, and his once imposing figure has began to soften. But he finds the political machinations of his current role distasteful and longs for the days of the Boer War, when he was in the heat of battle. Perhaps his wish will soon be granted.Venezia's health has begun to falter. Her doctors are at a loss to explain her recurring bouts of illness, which leave her bedridden for days at a time: one has suggested it is simply melancholy. Her passion for music and art has not diminished, although she has had to reduce her social activities. Arthur's frequent absences and lack of sympathy for her illness have further strained their relationship: they now sleep in separate rooms and their interactions have become curt and formal.Now 19, Art is in his final year at Sandhurst, having decided to follow his father into the military despite his earlier doubts. His time at Wellington and then Sandhurst has hardened him and made him more like his father than he would like to admit. However, his experiences at Sandhurst have also broadened his worldview and he has become increasingly critical of British military policy. His relationship with Arthur has grown colder as Art resents the pressure to conform to his father's ideals. Despite his growing doubts about a military career, he feels trapped by the expectations placed upon him.During a holiday at home, Art met the beautiful but strong-willed daughter of a wealthy industrialist. Their relationship has become serious and they are now engaged, although the engagement has caused friction between Arthur and Art due to his fiancée's independent spirit and progressive views. Art worries about the possibility of war and how it might affect the future he wants to build with his sweetheart.At 17, Gwen has fully embraced her grandmother's legacy and has become an ardent supporter of the suffragette movement. She has joined the WSPU and even taken part in several protests, much to Arthur's horror and Venezia's concern. Gwen's musical talents have blossomed; she is now an accomplished pianist, cellist and composer, though her avant-garde tastes continue to clash with her mother's more traditional sensibilities. Her relationship with her father has completely broken down - in addition to her radical activities, she has categorically refused to attend finishing school. Instead, she has taken to completing her education at the local lending library, where she borrows the latest tomes of modernist literature.It was in the Bath library that she met her lover - a fellow radical. Her jingoistic father would have her head if he knew: while Gwen's lover is distantly related to the aristocracy, he is not only a rabid socialist, but also half German on his mother's side. Venezia, if she knew about their entanglement, would be more concerned about his age - he is 5 years older than Gwen, which is a significant difference at her age. Gwen sometimes brings up marriage, but her lover shuts her down, telling her that it is an archaic concept that should be left safely in the 19th century.Sam - now a student at Winchester College - has become fascinated by philosophy and political theory, particularly the works of Karl Marx, which he secretly reads. Venezia has encouraged his intellectual development, though she worries about his growing detachment from the family. Sam's bond with Evie has only strengthened, and they often retreat to the library or garden to discuss books and ideas.But Sam's isolation has made him increasingly lonely, and he struggles to find his place in a family that values action over thought. He has few friends at school, except for a boy of his own age whom he considers his intellectual equal and to whom he is very close, having invited him to spend Christmas 1910 in Bath with the Blackstocks.Evie's artistic talents have blossomed and she is now studying painting with a local artist in Bath, much to Venezia's delight. Her relationship with her mother is close, though she sometimes feels overshadowed by Gwen's boisterous, rebellious behaviour, and privately wishes she could be more like her older sister. She has begun to borrow some of her modernist novels, and while she cannot yet comprehend the ideas presented in them, she is fascinated by them.Leo remains enamoured of all things military. He idolises Art and dreams of following in his footsteps, though Art's growing disillusionment and distance have left him confused. Leo is fiercely loyal to his father and often acts as Arthur's "little soldier", adopting his strict demeanour and discipline. However, his close relationship with his father has also left him somewhat isolated from his siblings, especially Sam, with whom he often clashes.Lavinia, or Vinnie as she is often called, is now a precocious 9-year-old with a sharp tongue and a quick wit. She remains her father's favourite, though this favouritism has begun to cause friction between her and her siblings, especially Gwen and Evie, who find Vinnie's attitude intolerable at times. Vinnie is highly intelligent and perceptive, and often uses her charm to get her way. However, her closeness to Arthur has made her increasingly rebellious towards Venezia, whom she sees as weak. Despite this, Vinnie is fiercely protective of her youngest brother, Hector, and often acts as his caretaker.At 6 years old, Hector is a curious child who has inherited both his mother's creativity and his father's stubbornness. He adores Vinnie, who dotes on him. His relationship with Arthur is still affectionate - it seems that Arthur's youngest children remain his favourites. Venezia is worried that Hector may grow up to be as rigid as Arthur.---Art's fiancéeFirst name: Late Greek (https://www.behindthename.com/names/gender/feminine/usage/late-greek).Middle name: invented for a literary work (her father's favourite).Surname: a village in Wiltshire, starting with a vowel (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Villages_in_Wiltshire)Gwen's paramourFirst name: used in English and German, of Old High German origin (https://shorturl.at/1xstS)Middle name: that of an Austrian emperor after 1814.Surname: English, with a flattering meaning.

masculine list: https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/191050/124079
feminine list: https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/191050/124080

This message was edited 8/11/2024, 4:01 PM

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H [49] Brigadier-General Arthur Lionel Tarquin Blackstock (Emily Amy)
W [44] Venezia Romilly Hero Burdet (Wraith)S1 [19] Arthur Hannibal Wulfhard Blackstock (cher529s)
- Fiancée [20] Sophronia Haidee AvoncliffD1 [17] Guinevere Charis Letizia Blackstock (JuliaF)
- BF [22] Rupert Ferdinand MeriwetherS2 [15] Samson Jericho Marcus Blackstock (Guest)
D2 [13] Evangeline Camilla Aktaie Blackstock (JuliaF)
S3 [11] Leonidas Enoch Tarquin Blackstock (.)
D3 [9] Lavinia Constance Hero Blackstock (Uilos)
S4 [6] Hector Osric Maximilian Blackstock (RowenaRavenclaw)
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- Koralia Jessica Axford
- Otto Karl Belcher (it does, I swear:)
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I love the characters you’ve created - they’re so rich and vibrant!Anysia Belphoebe Imber
Bertram Charles Polley
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BATH, 1910H [49] Brigadier-General Arthur Lionel Tarquin Blackstock (Emily Amy)
W [44] Venezia Romilly Hero Burdet (Wraith)S1 [19] Arthur Hannibal Wulfhard Blackstock (cher529s)
- Fiancée [20] Sophronia Fantine EverleighD1 [17] Guinevere Charis Letizia Blackstock (JuliaF)
- BF [22] Leopold Franz Waller (https://surnames.behindthename.com/name/waller-1)S2 [15] Samson Jericho Marcus Blackstock (Guest)
D2 [13] Evangeline Camilla Aktaie Blackstock (JuliaF)
S3 [11] Leonidas Enoch Tarquin Blackstock (.)
D3 [9] Lavinia Constance Hero Blackstock (Uilos)
S4 [6] Hector Osric Maximilian Blackstock (RowenaRavenclaw)
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H [49] Brigadier-General Arthur Lionel Tarquin Blackstock (Emily Amy)
W [44] Venezia Romilly Hero Burdet (Wraith)S1 [19] Arthur Hannibal Wulfhard Blackstock (cher529s)
- Fiancée [20] Dorothea Amorette EbbesbourneD1 [17] Guinevere Charis Letizia Blackstock (JuliaF)
- BF [22] Herbert Ferdinand BarlowS2 [15] Samson Jericho Marcus Blackstock (Guest)
D2 [13] Evangeline Camilla Aktaie Blackstock (JuliaF)
S3 [11] Leonidas Enoch Tarquin Blackstock (.)
D3 [9] Lavinia Constance Hero Blackstock (Uilos)
S4 [6] Hector Osric Maximilian Blackstock (RowenaRavenclaw)
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Dorothea Galadriel AshtonConrad Charles Belcher
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- Fiancée [20] Zenaida Cordelia Alderbury- BF [22] William Francis Bellamy
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Zenaida Marilia Ogbourne St GeorgeHugo Ferdinand Martin-Fitzroy
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BATH, 1910
H [49] Brigadier-General Arthur Lionel Tarquin Blackstock (Emily Amy)
W [44] Venezia Romilly Hero Burdet (Wraith)
S1 [19] Arthur Hannibal Wulfhard Blackstock (cher529s)
- Fiancée [20] Zenaida Olivia Edington
D1 [17] Guinevere Charis Letizia Blackstock (JuliaF)
- BF [22] Sigmund "Siggy" Franz-Joseph Cavendish
S2 [15] Samson Jericho Marcus Blackstock (Guest)
D2 [13] Evangeline Camilla Aktaie Blackstock (JuliaF)
S3 [11] Leonidas Enoch Tarquin Blackstock (.)
D3 [9] Lavinia Constance Hero Blackstock (Uilos)
S4 [6] Hector Osric Maximilian Blackstock (RowenaRavenclaw)*olivia: twelfth night by william shakespeare*
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H [49] Brigadier-General Arthur Lionel Tarquin Blackstock (Emily Amy)
W [44] Venezia Romilly Hero Burdet (Wraith)S1 [19] Arthur Hannibal Wulfhard Blackstock (cher529s)
- Fiancée [20] Dorothea Zelica FishertonD1 [17] Guinevere Charis Letizia Blackstock (JuliaF)
- BF [22] Robert Ferdinand Bonney (I mean there are only Franz, Ferdinand, Franz Joseph, and Karl (though he's not on the throne yet) for us to choose from)S2 [15] Samson Jericho Marcus Blackstock (Guest)
D2 [13] Evangeline Camilla Aktaie Blackstock (JuliaF)
S3 [11] Leonidas Enoch Tarquin Blackstock (.)
D3 [9] Lavinia Constance Hero Blackstock (Uilos)
S4 [6] Hector Osric Maximilian Blackstock (Rowena)

This message was edited 8/12/2024, 8:59 AM

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Art's fiancée
Dorothea Imogen OakseyGwen's man
Humbert Ferdinand Bonner
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BATH, 1910
H [49] Brigadier-General Arthur Lionel Tarquin Blackstock (Emily Amy)
W [44] Venezia Romilly Hero Burdet (Wraith)S1 [19] Arthur Hannibal Wulfhard Blackstock (cher529s)
- Fiancée [20] Koralia Perdita CovinghamD1 [17] Guinevere Charis Letizia Blackstock (JuliaF)
- BF [22] Roland Francis TriggsS2 [15] Samson Jericho Marcus Blackstock (Guest)
D2 [13] Evangeline Camilla Aktaie Blackstock (JuliaF)
S3 [11] Leonidas Enoch Tarquin Blackstock (.)
D3 [9] Lavinia Constance Hero Blackstock (Uilos)
S4 [6] Hector Osric Maximilian Blackstock (RowenaRavenclaw)
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What are the instructions for Guinevere’s boyfriend?BATH, 1910
H [49] Brigadier-General Arthur Lionel Tarquin Blackstock (Emily Amy)
W [34] Venezia Romilly Hero Burdet (Wraith)S1 [19] Arthur Hannibal Wulfhard Blackstock (cher529s)
- Fiancée [20] Thekla Miranda HeywoodD1 [17] Guinevere Charis Letizia Blackstock (JuliaF)
- BF [22] Anselm Charles Yao (https://surnames.behindthename.com/name/yao/submitted)S2 [15] Samson Jericho Marcus Blackstock (Guest)
D2 [13] Evangeline Camilla Aktaie Blackstock (JuliaF)
S3 [11] Leonidas Enoch Tarquin Blackstock (.)
D3 [9] Lavinia Constance Hero Blackstock (Uilos)
S4 [6] Hector Osric Maximilian Blackstock (RowenaRavenclaw)

This message was edited 8/11/2024, 5:19 PM

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added them now!
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BATH, 1910
H [49] Brigadier-General Arthur Lionel Tarquin Blackstock (Emily Amy)
W [44] Venezia Romilly Hero Burdet (Wraith)
S1 [19] Arthur Hannibal Wulfhard Blackstock (cher529s)
- Fiancée [20] Dorothea Pamela Imber
D1 [17] Guinevere Charis Letizia Blackstock (JuliaF)
- BF [22] Anselm Ferdinand Fairbrother
S2 [15] Samson Jericho Marcus Blackstock (Guest)
D2 [13] Evangeline Camilla Aktaie Blackstock (JuliaF)
S3 [11] Leonidas Enoch Tarquin Blackstock (.)
D3 [9] Lavinia Constance Hero Blackstock (Uilos)
S4 [6] Hector Osric Maximilian Blackstock (RowenaRavenclaw)

This message was edited 8/11/2024, 4:19 PM

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BATH, 1910H [49] Brigadier-General Arthur Lionel Tarquin Blackstock (Emily Amy)
W [34] Venezia Romilly Hero Burdet (Wraith)**S1 [19] Arthur Hannibal Wulfhard Blackstock (cher529s)
- Fiancée [20] Sophronia Belphoebe AtworthD1 [17] Guinevere Charis Letizia Blackstock (JuliaF)
- BF [22] Albert Francis BlytheS2 [15] Samson Jericho Marcus Blackstock (Guest)
D2 [13] Evangeline Camilla Aktaie Blackstock (JuliaF)
S3 [11] Leonidas Enoch Tarquin Blackstock (.)
D3 [9] Lavinia Constance Hero Blackstock (Uilos)
S4 [6] Hector Osric Maximilian Blackstock (RowenaRavenclaw)
** Venezia should be 44, not 34

This message was edited 8/11/2024, 4:27 PM

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Sophronia Thelma AshleyWalter Francis Good
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