[Opinions] Mirna
I'm newly and somewhat randomly in love with Mirna, which I find earthier and more interesting than Mira. I have no ties to Serbia or Croatia (though I lived in Bulgaria for a year), but I'm not naming a child. :) What do you think of Mirna? Do you prefer Myrna, which I also love?Some combos:Mirna Rosamund
Mirna Rosalind
Mirna Cecily
Mirna Juliet
Mirna Agnes
Mirna Lucile
Mirna Celeste
Mirna Opal
Mirna Solveig
Mirna Isobel
Mirna Vashti
Mirna Lilac
Mirna Amelie
Mirna Amy
Mirna Roxane
Mirna Cecile
Mirna Lois
Mirna Xanthe

This message was edited 8/16/2024, 10:56 AM


I like it, along with Myrna and Muirne.
I do prefer Myrna, mostly because of its appearance but probably just because I'm used to it. I know a Myrna Bernice, which I think is an unfortunate combo.
I like Mirna if it’s pronounce like EsmeLily said and not like Myrna, which I think is ugly. I think I still prefer Mira, though.
I don’t love it, but I don’t hate it. It feels kind of…there. I want to feel some sort of strong of feeling about it, but I don’t. I guess it is pretty.

This message was edited 8/17/2024, 3:42 PM

I like both Mirna and Myrna but they're pronounced differently. The former is "meer-na" and the latter is "mur-na". Mirna has a softer sound.From your list, I like the following combos:Mirna Rosalind
Mirna Cecily
Mirna Juliet
Mirna Celeste
Mirna Solveig
Mirna Isobel
Mirna Cecile
I would have pronounced them the same Don't really like the name