[Opinions] The Secret Behind Your Names
Pamela Redmond on the Nameberry website recently categorized names in four groups based on their sound and whether they contain hard or soft consonants or vowels.1 Coconuts - Hard consonants, hard vowels - Kate, David, Grey, Beau, Zoe, Kai, Ava, Ivy, Eliza, Grace, Nico, Romy, Violet, Blake, Ruby 2 Peaches - Soft consonants, hard vowels - Theo, Sophie, James, Elijah, Joseph, Felix, Cyrus, Ethan, Fay, Jude, Fiona, Hope, Jane, Silas, Thea, Jonah 3 Bananas - Soft consonants, soft vowels - Sasha, Josh, Charlotte, Sebastian, Helena, Alice, Finn, Thor, Celeste, Frances, Cecilia, Asher, Felicity, Georgia, Jasper, Laurel, Sarah, Timothy, Philippa, Spencer 4 Raspberries - Hard consonants, soft vowels - Vivian, Maverick, Cameron, Bennett, Claire, Dylan, Camilla, Alexandra, Cora, Atticus, Colin, Edward, Cormac, Donovan, Ezra, Isabella, Evelyn, Brooks, QuinnMost of us will like some names in each group but may gravitate towards one group in particular. What group(s) do you find most appealing? I'm mostly a Banana 🍌 with a mix of Peach. Of course, I like some names in the Coconut & Raspberry groups too.

This message was edited 8/16/2024, 11:11 PM


I can pick out names from each category that I like, but I'm mostly Bananas and Raspberries.Coconuts - Kate, Eliza, Ava, Blake, Beau, David, Ruby, Zoe.Peaches - Sophie, James, Joseph, Jane, Elijah, Fiona, Ethan, Theo, and Thea.Bananas - Alice, Helena, Timothy, Cecilia, Sarah, Sebastian, Frances, Sasha, Spencer, Felicity, Charlotte, Asher.Raspberries - Camilla, Claire, Vivian, Donovan, Dylan, Isabella, Cora, Edward, Evelyn, Bennett, Cameron, Ezra.
I think you meant soft consonants, hard vowels for Peaches. I have names I love in all of these, but Peaches is probably my favorite.Here are my favorites in each, including other names the website had:
Coconuts - Kate, David, Zoey, Ava, Ivy, Nico, Violet, Blake, Ruby, Cadence, Zadie
Peaches - Sophie, Elijah, Joseph, Felix, Cyrus, Fiona, Hope, Silas, Jonah, Chase, Layla, Luna, Shay
Bananas - Sasha, Charlotte, Helena, Finn, Celeste, Asher, Jasper, Spencer, Tessa
Raspberries - Vivian, Cameron, Bennett, Camilla, Alexandra, Isabella, Quinn, Dove, Max
You're right. Thanks for catching that error.I've made the correction.
I'm more romantic, frilly, classical leaning so probably banana? This categorization choice is too abstract for my ASD brain tbh... but Banana would be my guess based on those shown
Ayyy, I’m autistic too!
Girls: Kai (f)
Boys: Grey (m), Kai (m)Like:
Girls: Eliza, Grey (f)Neutral:
Girls: Grace, Ivy, Kate, Ruby
Boys: Beau
Girls: Fiona
Boys: TheoLike:
Boys: James, SilasNeutral:
Girls: Fay, Hope, Jane
Boys: Felix, Joseph
Girls: CharlotteLike:
Girls: Alice, Sarah
Boys: Asher, Jasper, SebastianNeutral:
Girls: Felicity, Georgia, Philippa
Boys: Spencer
Boys: Atticus, Ezra (m)Like:
Girls: CoraNeutral:
Girls: Alexandra, Claire, Ezra (f), Isabella, Vivian
Boys: Brooks, Colin, Donovan, Edward
CoconutsLove: Kate, Ava, Eliza
Like: David, Zoe, Ivy, Grace, Nico, Violet, Ruby, Beau
Neutral: None
Dislike: Grey, Kai, Romy, Blake
Hate: NonePeachesLove: Theo, Sophie, James, Joseph, Fiona
Like: Elijah, Ethan, Jane, Thea
Neutral: Hope, Jonah
Dislike: Felix, Cyrus
Hate: Fay, Jude, SilasBananasLove: Charlotte, Helena, Alice
Like: Sasha, Celeste, Frances, Georgia, Jasper, Laurel
Neutral: Finn, Thor, Cecilia, Sarah, Timothy, Philippa
Dislike: Sebastian, Asher, Felicity
Hate: Josh, SpencerRaspberriesLove: Claire, Evelyn
Like: Vivian, Camilla, Edward, Isabella
Neutral: Dylan, Alexandra, Cora, Atticus, Colin, Quinn
Dislike: Cameron, Ezra, Brooks
Hate: Maverick, Bennett, Cormac, DonovanI like more names in the Coconut group, but I feel like I like the Bananas group the most. I adore Helena, but if Helen had been there I would have to made a new category(my favorite name). I could honestly totally see a future where I had three kids named Helen, Charlotte and Alice(actually kind of my perfect future). I like the Raspberries group the least.
Evenly split between peach and banana.
I like a fruit salad, apparently! Haha. I enjoy lots from all the categories. Maybe a slight preference for bananas and raspberries??? But I feel like my love for the fewer coconut names is BIGGER.From the coconuts I love Ruby, Ivy, Eliza, Violet.From the peaches I love Theo, Sophie, Felix, Thea.From the bananas I love Sebastian, Alice, Celeste, Georgia, Jasper.From the raspberries I love Vivian, Camilla, Cora, Ezra.