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[Games] Re: generation caf 13.1
in reply to a message by Evie
DH [92] Flynn Augustus Reynolds
DW [90] Odessa Marin Reynolds nee Olson
DS1 [70] Flynn Augustus Reynolds II
DS2 [67] Clark Oscar Reynolds
DD1 [65] Astrid Imogen Reynolds
DS3 [60] Wyatt Emile ReynoldsFlynn & Odessa
Flynn | Clark | Astrid | Wyatt*
DS1 [70] Flynn Augustus Reynolds II
DW [70] Carolyn Olivia Reynolds nee BrooksDD [47] Elva Catharina Cole nee Reynolds
- DH [52] Dexter Adrian Cole- DS [25] Kasper Vincent Cole
-- DW [28] Eden Avalon Cole nee Meyer
-- DS [4] Blake Alexander Cole
-- DS [2] Theo Vincent Cole
-- DD [exp] Zadie Winter ColeKasper & Eden
Blake | Theo | Zadie- DD [23] Anya Celine Cole- DD [22] Frieda Amelie Cole
-- DF [24] Enzo Hudson Hamilton
-- DD [1] Azalea Geneva Hamilton-Cole
-- DD [exp] Iris Eloise Hamilton-ColeFrieda & Enzo
Azalea | Iris- DS [19] Milo Raphael Cole- DS [17] Luca Octavian Cole
-- Dgf [17] Molly Viola Gibson
-- DS [exp] Elio Aidan Gibson-ColeLuca & Molly
Elio- DD [14] Willow Violet Cole
- DS [12] Louis Miles Cole
- DS [8] Jethro Hendrix ColeElva & Dexter
Kasper | Anya | Frieda | Milo | Luca | Willow | Louis | JethroDD [44] Anna Julia Kovac nee Reynolds
- DH [43] Vladan Kovac "Vlad"
- DD [17] Agnesa Dominika Kovac
- DD [15] Ružena Mary Kovac
- DD [12] Liliana Milada Kovac
- DS [4] Lennox Vladan KovacAnna & Vlad
Agnesa | Ružena | Liliana | LennoxDD [40] Charlotte Annabel Stone nee Reynolds "Lotte"
- XF [42] Leo Sky Wallace
-- DS [16] Sky Leo Wallace
-- DS [14] Morgan Elias WallaceLotte & Leo
Sky | Morgan- DW [33] Matilda Florence Stone
-- DS [4] Ronan Sebastian Stone
-- DS [1] Murphy Rufus StoneLotte & Matilda
Ronan | MurphyFlynn & Carolyn
Elva | Anna | Lotte*
DS2 [67] Clark Oscar Reynolds
DW [64] Joëlle Marie Roux ReynoldsDS [41] Philippe Jean Reynolds
- DW [37] Tallulah Estella Reynolds nee Ryan
- DD [13] Joëlle Marie Reynolds
- DS [11] André Jacques Reynolds
- DS [8] Jean-Luc Gregory Reynolds
- DD [6] Nadine Thérèse Reynolds
- DS [2] Marcel Holden ReynoldsPhilippe & Tallulah
Joëlle | André | Jean-Luc | Nadine | MarcelDS [40] Olivier James Reynolds
- ExW [41] Johanna Primrose Jordan
- DS [9] Étienne Sylvain ReynoldsOlivier & Johanna
ÉtienneDS [38] Benoît Emmanuel Reynolds
- Dgf [34] Anastasia Aurora Rose ReynoldsBenoît & AnastasiaDD [25] Micheline Odette Reynolds
- DD [nb] Isadora Micheline ReynoldsMicheline
IsadoraClark & Joëlle
Philippe | Olivier | Benoît | Micheline*
DD1 [65] Astrid Imogen Reynolds
ExH1 [65] Peter Nolan KelleyDS [46] Peter Nolan Kelley "Nolan"
- DW [43] Juno Regan Alexander Kelley
- DD [14] Regan Skylar Kelley
- DD [12] Callie Azure Kelley
- DS [5] Peter Nolan KelleyPeter & Juno
Regan | Callie | PeterDD [44] Bridget Anne Larson nee Kelley
- DH [45] Saul Presley Larson
- DD [16] Bluebell Bridget Larson
- DS [14] Presley Saul Larson
- DD [10] January Grace Larson
- DD [7] Monroe Paris LarsonBridget & Saul
Bluebell | Presley | January | MonroeAstrid & Peter
Nolan | BridgetExH2 [64] Erik Daniel ShawDD [40] Summer Rose Shaw
- ExH [42] Saxon Robert Ford-- DD [19] Sienna Storm Ford
--- DD [5m] Crystal Theodora FordSienna
Crystal-- DD [17] Kendall Piper Ford
-- DD [14] Angeline Ruby FordSummer & Saxon
Sienna | Kendall | Angeline- DH [38] Morten Svein Bjørn Paulsen
-- DS [4] Thor Morten Paulsen
-- DD [9m] Ida Agnethe PaulsenSummer & Morton
Thor | IdaDS [38] Erik Daniel Shaw "Daniel"DD [36] Juliet Lyra Shaw
- DW [35] Aoife Maeve Shaw nee DoyleJuliet & AoifeAstrid & Erik
Summer | Daniel | JulietDH [64] Dante Elijah RobertsonDHD [35] Shiloh Persephone Bryant nee Robertson
- DH [35] Leon Isaiah Bryant
- DD [7] Kinsley Shiloh Bryant
- DS [5] Michael Leon Bryant
- DD [3] Leighton Amelie Bryant
- DD [nb] Odessa Marin BryantShiloh & Leon
Kinsley | Michael | Leighton | OdessaDS [30] Dante Elijah Robertson "Elijah"
- DW [30] Zoe Samantha Robertson nee Freeman
- DS [4] Romeo Samuel Robertson
- DS [18m] Jasper Everest RobertsonElijah & Zoe
Romeo | JasperDS [27] Kairo Joseph Robertson
- Dbf [26] Liam Joshua HartAstrid & Dante
Shiloh | Elijah | Kairo*
DS3 [60] Wyatt Emile Reynolds
ExW [59] Alice Beverly Reynolds nee DuncanDD [38] Rebecca Alice Reynolds
- ExH1 [39] Archer Bruce Reynolds ne Bishop
-- DS [16] August Leonardo ReynoldsRebecca & Archer
August- ExH2 [41] William Basil Spencer
-- DS [13] Basil William Spencer
-- DS [12] Gatsby Nathaniel Spencer
-- DD [10] Ashton Rebecca SpencerRebecca & William
Basil | Gatsby | Ashton- DH [36] Angel Enrique Palomo
-- DHS [9] Isidoro Angel Palomo
-- DS [4] Eliseo Jorge Palomo
-- DD [exp] Alejandra Lourdes PalomoRebecca & Angel
Isidoro | Eliseo | AlejandraDS [36] Edward Harvey Reynolds
- DW [33] Helena Jane Riley Reynolds
- DD [13] Pollyanna Louisa Reynolds
- DD & DD [11] Winifred Amabel Reynolds & Isabeau Katarina Reynolds
- DD [7] Ottilie Zinnia Reynolds
- DS [5] Harvey Edward Reynolds
- DS [2] Patrick Timothy ReynoldsEdward & Helena
Pollyanna | Winifred | Isabeau | Ottilie | Harvey | PatrickDD [33] Lauren Margot Reynolds
- Dgf [33] Chloe Melissa JacobsLauren & ChloeWyatt & Alice
Rebecca | Edward | LaurenDH [57] Alfred Xavier Beckett Lawson "Alfie"ADS [27] Fletcher Forest Lawson
- DW [25] Kayla Alexis George
- DD [4] Cerys Tabitha George Lawson
- DD [2] Maple Jasmine George Lawson
- ADS [nb] River Callum George LawsonFletcher & Kayla
Cerys | Maple | RiverDD [12] Briar Ivy Lawson-ReynoldsWyatt & Alfie
Fletcher | Briar- - -Katie
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