[Games] BTN Adoption Agency is now open!
Hi, and welcome to BTN Adoption Agency! Please fill out the attached form to adopt! Thank you.
Occupation:Do you have any current children? (if so, provide names and ages)
Do you have any pets? (if so, provide species and names)Current location:How many children would you like to adopt? (note that there is a max of 4)
What location would you like to adopt from? (if any)
Preferred gender:
Preferred age range:
Continent/country you'd like to adopt from: (if any)Are you okay with adopting siblings?
Are you okay with adopting pregnant teens?
Are you okay with adopting a child with a disability?
Please be aware your exact specifications may not be available. (I have a set list of names)
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Hi, is this still open?LN: Nowakowsi
SO1: Kajetan Nowakowski
Occupation: Engineer
SO2: Wioletta Nowakowska
Occupation: ChemistDo you have any current children? (if so, provide names and ages) Yes, Anka: 5
Do you have any pets? (if so, provide species and names) Potężny, 3 year old jack russell terrierCurrent location: Katowice, Silesian Voivodeship, PolandHow many children would you like to adopt? 2
Preferred gender: No preference
Preferred age range: 1-4 for one child, 6-12 for the other.
Continent/country you'd like to adopt from: Somewhere in Europe.Are you okay with adopting siblings? Yes
Are you okay with adopting pregnant teens? No
Are you okay with adopting a child with a disability? If it is a minor disability.
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LN: Ruiz Oliver
SO1: Martin Ruiz Zamora
Occupation: Teacher
SO2: Mila Oliver
Occupation: Doctor
Do you have any current children? Jasmine (7), Chiara (4)
Do you have any pets? Steven (sausage dog)
Current location: Uk
How many children would you like to adopt? 2
What location would you like to adopt from? Europe
Preferred gender: Any
Preferred age range: Any
Continent/country you'd like to adopt from: Europe
Are you okay with adopting siblings? Yes
Are you okay with adopting pregnant teens? No
Are you okay with adopting a child with a disability? Yes
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Congratulations! You have been accepted to adopt two siblings from Italy, Julia & Luisa Ricci! Julia is 10 years old & Luisa is 6 years old, so they will most likely get along with your current children. Please reply back (if possible) about how Julia & Luisa are doing. Thank you for using BTN Adoption Agency!
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Julia and Luisa have settled into life in the UK very well and are really close with Jasmine and Chiara. They are really improving their English. Luisa adores Steven (their dog) and has taken the time to draw him. And Julia has been thriving at school and is playing in multiple sports teams (Volleyball, Football(soccer) and Cricket).
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LN: Milkovich
SO1: Kara Serena
Occupation: Lawyer
SO2: Jason Milo
Occupation: High School Principal
Do you have any current children? (if so, provide names and ages) Seren (12) Marigold (6) Mikko (16)
Do you have any pets? (if so, provide species and names) Cello (Yorkshire Terrier)
Current location: Finland
How many children would you like to adopt? (note that there is a max of 4) 4
What location would you like to adopt from? (if any) Any
Preferred gender: 2 boys and 2 girls
Preferred age range: 8-12
Continent/country you'd like to adopt from: (if any) Any
Are you okay with adopting siblings? Sure
Are you okay with adopting pregnant teens? No thanks
Are you okay with adopting a child with a disability? No, if it's blindness or deafness
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Congratulations! You have been accepted to adopt 11 year old Mila Lewis from the UK, 7 year old Yuki Takahashi from Japan, & 10 year old twins Elias & Casper Bergius from Sweden. Please note that the twins tend to be a bit hyperactive & that both Mila and Yuki are quite shy and reserved at times. Please reply back (if possible) about how Mila, Yuki, Elias, & Casper are doing. Thank you for using BTN Adoption Agency!
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LN: Holt
SO1: Laurence Kyle Jenkins
Occupation: Lawyer
SO2: Noelani Addison (Hale) Jenkins
Occupation: LawyerDo you have any current children? No
Do you have any pets? Persian cat: CrookshanksCurrent location: Pearl City, HawaiiHow many children would you like to adopt? 2
What location would you like to adopt from? Any
Preferred gender: Any
Preferred age range: Newborn-5
Continent/country you'd like to adopt from: AnyAre you okay with adopting siblings? Yes
Are you okay with adopting pregnant teens? No
Are you okay with adopting a child with a disability? Yes
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Congratulations! You have been accepted to adopt 3 year old Caroline Grace Young from the United States & 2 year old Hassan Dualeh from Somalia. Caroline is bright & fun loving, while Hassan is curious & loud. Please reply back (if possible) about how Caroline Grace & Hassan are doing. Thank you for using BTN Adoption Agency!
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Caroline and Hassan are very happy with the family. Caroline is very talkative and loves watching sports with her father. Hassan has also adapted quite well to his life in the States. He loves playing with his sister and with the cat, which is almost bigger than him! The siblings love each other very much and we couldn't be happier with the adoption.
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