[Games] Amoret’s Would You Rather..? (2)
1) https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5538226⭐️SO1: Would you rather name your son Burt or Errol?
Burt, go to namebank 1
Errol, go to namebank 2
CHILD ONE: Would you rather name your daughter Doris or Ginger?
Doris, go to namebank 3
Ginger, go to namebank 4
CHILD TWO: Would you rather name your son Glenn or Rex?
Glenn, go to namebank 5
Rex, go to namebank 6
CHILD THREE: Would you rather name your daughter Greta or Loretta?
Greta, go to namebank 7
Loretta, go to namebank 8
CHILD FOUR: Would you rather name your daughter Greer or your son Orson?
Greer, go to namebank 9
Orson, go to namebank 10
- Free to change spellings
- Free to change nicknames into full names
1) GO(L)
2) DE(N)3) Kristin Bernetta Min Tina Cath Adelaide Karla Renata Jaime Jackalyn Apolonia Moerani Alannah
4) Brian Shay Kellan Brandon Blaz Heraclitus Kallistos Dany Warren Willem Ran Issy Aristides 5) Ann-Kristin Amanda Euboia Cloe Dilwen London Koralie Susannah Nektaria Olympia Andriana Max Bea
6) Cirio Gearalt Kip Gwyn Jake Niklaus Elias Conrad Alex Garrett Björn Lothar Gabriel(ius) 7) Dudley Kaj Lukyan Jay Stephen Loke Sam Benedict Ranulf Gregory Kamran Oliver Lorens
8) Ros Elisabet Florencia Abi Carola Monika Danette May Agniya Sue(llen) Eirene Hailie Reyna 9) Serena Keighley Chy Amée Eulalia Felicity Hermione Lind Jan Valentina Kendra Lexus Agaue
10) Moses Boniface Andi Noel Franco Frederick Ander Boone Albert Murdoch Jace Matéo Everett
formerly Belphoebe⭐️I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf
vote up1


Fabian Aurelius Roth
Cayla Adrienne RousselAlden Jay Roth
- Dalila Elowen Neri
- Adelaide Jaime Roth
- Andriana Beatrice Roth
- Monika Eirene Roth
- Ander Jace RothJens Toussaint Roth
Kieran Alexander Roth
Joanna Kathrine Roth
Asher Stephan Roth
Nathaniel Cai RothFabian & Cayla: Alden, Jens, Kieran, Joanna, Asher, Nate
Alden & Dalila: Adelaide, Bea, Monika, Ander
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The Carrington Family!The Carrington FamilyH: Richard Isaac Carrington
W: Cassandra Amandine (Renault) Carrington, "Cassie"D1: Gwendolen Phoebe (Carrington) Neville, "Gwen"
S1: Anton Othello Carrington
S2: Darius Alexander Carrington
D2: Joanna Philomena Carrington, "Jo"
D3: Melanie Amalthea Carrington, "Mels"
S3: Nathaniel Ferdinand Carrington, "Nate"
_____________________D1: Cassie
H: David Edgar NevilleS1: Brian Aristides Neville
D1: Amanda Olympia Neville, "Mandy"
S2: Stephen Benedict Neville
D2: Felicity Eulalia Neville, "Fliss"

This message was edited 9/2/2024, 7:29 PM

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W: Rachel Iris Comeaux Theriot
H: Paul Elias TheriotS: Cary Alden Theriot
S: Max Toussaint Theriot
S: Kieran Alexander Theriot
D: Jane Philomena Theriot
S/S: Asher Leonard Theriot & Nathaniel Levi Theriot Rachel & Paul; Cary, Max, Kieran, Jane, Asher, and Nathaniel.*S: Cary Alden Theriot
W: Gilda Olivia Leary TheriotS: Willem Aristides Theriot
S: Conrad Gabriel Theriot
S: Benedict Oliver Theriot
S: Moses Albert TheriotCary & Gilda; Willem (Will), Conrad, Benedict (Ben), and Moses.
vote up1
Ruby Isabel Clayton-Rush & Charles AnthonyCharlie” RushJay Alden Rush
-Daphne Emma Nicholson-RushDaniel WarrenDanny” Rush
Susannah Olympia Rush
Oliver Samuel Rush
Everett Frederick Rush Sara Mary Rush
Hannah Aurelia Rush
Michael Thomas Rush
Edward LeifEddy” Rush
Joseph NathanielJoe” Rush
vote up1
DH: Florian Anders Bureau
DW: Coraline Amelia {Reynders} BureauDD: Phoebe Jette {Bureau} Lahti
- DH: Gabriel Oskar Lahti
- DS: Kellan Shay Lahti
- DD: London Beatrice Lahti
- DS: Oliver Gregory Lahti
- DD: Serena Lindon LahtiDD: Aura Dulcie Bureau
DD: Marise Eponine Bureau
DD: Octavia Lilu Bureau
DS: Asher Wulfram Bureau
DD: Ivey Lyonors Bureau
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Russell Idris Cullen
Pearl Evangeline TurnerTrevor Elam Cullen
Jensen Maximilian Cullen
Elowen Marise Cullen
Damian Valentine Cullen
Asher Edmund Cullen
Isabelle Tara 'Bell' CullenTrevor Elam Cullen
Genevieve Odile 'Eve' LockeKatherine Jacqueline Cullen
Maxine Coralie Cullen
Elisabet Ros Cullen & Everett Moses CullenJensen Maximilian Cullen
vote up1
DW: Renée Idith Clemente
DP: Pierre Everard Thornton
DD1: Calanthia Jette Thornton
-DW: "Désirée" Desired Emmeline Normand
--S1: "Ariste" Willem Aristides Normand-Thornton
--S2: "Élie" Elias Björn Normand-Thornton
--S3: Oliver Lorens Normand-Thornton
--S4: "Frédéric" Frederick Boniface Normand-ThorntonDS1: Othello Haribert Thornton
DD2: Elowen Eunice Thornton
DD3: Octavia Philomena Thornton
DS2: Asher Nicostrato Thornton
DD4: Nieve Julienne Thornton
vote up1
DH: Roman Isaiah Caldwell
DW: Pauline Eva (Truman) CaldwellDD: Juna Emiliana (Caldwell) North
-DH: Dashiell Enzo North
-DD: Adelaide Min North
-DS: Conrad Elias North
-DS: Oliver Loke North
-DS: Everett Noel NorthDS: Maxim Othello Caldwell
DS: Rafael Darius Caldwell
DD: Lilu Philomena Caldwell
DD: Celia Amalthea Caldwell
DS: Timon Nathaniel Caldwell
vote up1
DH: Felix Andrew Banner
DW: Piper Elisabeth Talbot BannerDS: Alden Jay Banner
DD: Lilien Mary Banner
DD: Aurelia Hannah Banner
DS: Damian Thomas Banner
DS: Asher Leonard Banner
DD: Livia Julienne Banner--
DS: Alden Jay Banner
DW: Delilah Emily Norris Banner "Lilah"DS: Brandon Warren Banner
DD: Susannah Olympia Banner
DS: Oliver Benedict Banner "Ollie"
DD: Felicity Kendra Banner
vote up1
Ruby Isabel Clayton-Rush & Charles AnthonyCharlie” RushJay Alden Rush
-Diana Elizabeth Naylor-RushDaniel WarrenDanny” Rush
Beatrice OlympiaBea” Rush
Oliver Stephen Rush
Everett Albert Rush Sara Mary Rush
Hannah Aurelia Rush
Michael Thomas Rush
Edward LeifEddy” Rush
Joseph NathanielJoe” Rush
vote up1
DW: Freya Alice Banks
DH: Calum Armand RyanDS: Seymour Januarius Ryan
DW: Diana Elizabeth Nickson
DD: Adelaide Catherine Ryan
DD: Olympia Susannah Ryan
DS: Jay Benedict Ryan
DS: Jason Boniface RyanDS: Othello Maximilian Ryan
DD: Eponine Aurelia Ryan
DS: Wolf Leslie Ryan
DS: Ferdinand Timothy Ryan
vote up1
DW: Rhona Isobel Cadwallader
DH: Pierrick Erastus "Pete" TrevelyanDD: Calanthe Alys Trevelyan
DS: Maxfield Toussaint Trevelyan
DS: Kieran Erastus Trevelyan
DS: Haribert Fenwick Trevelyan
DD: Amalthea Rosa Trevelyan
DS: Donnell Rodrigo Trevelyan***
DD1: Calanthe Alys Trevelyan
DH: Dougal Estes NeelyDS: William Islay "Will" Neely
DS: Christopher Gerallt "Kip" Neely
DD: Elizabeth Ailis "Bethan" Neely
DS: Francis Murdoch "Frank" Neely
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H: Rex Isaiah (Chambers)
W: Cleo Ardith (Riley)S: Jay Cary
-W: Daisy Elisheba (Newton)
-S: Israel William
-S: Gabriel Jacob
-D: Abilene May
-S: Moses FrederickS: Max Johnny
S: Raf Mitchell
D: Milena Jane
S: Reuben Asher
D: Ivy Belle
vote up1
DH: Ryan Isaiah Charlton “Ryan”
DW: Caroline Alice (Roberts) Charlton “Carrie”DD: Emiliana Gwendolen Phoebe (Charlton) Nichols “Emmy”
-DH: Daniel Edward Nichols “Danny”
--DS: Brandon Kellan Nichols “Brandon”
--DD: Koralie Amanda Nichols “Kora”
--DS: Benedict Stephen Nichols “Ben”
--DD: Felicity Hermione Nichols “Felicity”DD: Lilien Mary Sara Charlton “Lily”
DD: Kaitlyn Aurelia Isabel Charlton “Katie”
DS: Damian Michael Thomas Charlton “Damian”
DD: Ann Amalthea Melanie Charlton “Annie”
DS: Joseph Nathaniel Levi Charlton “Joey”Ryan & Carrie Charlton: Emmy, Lily, Katie, Damian, Annie, & Joey
-Emmy & Danny Nichols: Brandon, Kora, Ben, & Felicity
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DH: Ryan Ishmael Carpenter [cis straight man; he/him]
DW: Carlyn Alexandria Rios [cis straight woman; she/her]DS: Fintan "Finn" Jared [Carpenter] Carpoway [cis gay man; he/him]
-DH: Damon Edmond [Nolloway] Carpoway
-ADS: Warren Kallistos Carpoway
-ADS: Conrad "Radio" Lothar Carpoway
-ADD: Reyna Elisabet Carpoway
-ADD: Serena Felicity Carpoway DS: Coen Othello Carpenter
DD: Elowen Marise Rios
DD: Jane "Jo" Octavia Rios
DD: Amalthea "Molly" Blodwen Rios
DS: Ferdinand Rodrigo Carpenter
vote up1
DH: Roger Iverson Coleridge
DW: Calinne Avonlea [Rousseau] ColeridgeDS: Fintan Cary Coleridge
-DW: Delia Estelle [Nugent] Coleridge
--DD: Renata Adelaide Coleridge
--DS: Conrad Elias Coleridge
--DS: Benedict Lorens Coleridge
--DD: Felicity Valentina ColeridgeDS: Anton Toussaint Coleridge
DS: Gareth Schuyler Coleridge
DD: Moira Philomena Coleridge
DS: Leif Leonard Coleridge
DS: Levi Ferdinand Coleridge
vote up1
DD: Gwendolen Calanthia Niklasson (nee Baker) “Gwen”
DH: Duncan Elijah NiklassonDS: Willem Blaz Niklasson “Will”
DD: Susannah Chloe Niklasson
DD: Monika Eirene Niklasson
DD: Lind Hermione NiklassonGwen & Duncan NIklasson: Will, Susannah, Monika, & Lind
vote up1
H: Riley Isaac Carter
W: Christine Autumn [Reese] CarterD: Gwendolen Carmel “Gwen” Carter
D: Katrina Aura Carter
D: India Eponine Carter
D: Octavia Elektra Carter
S: Edward Asher Carter
S: Nathaniel Ferdinand “Nate” Carter⭐️D: Gwendolen “Gwen” [Carter] North
-H: Damian Eric North-S: Brandon Warren North
-S: Gabriel Alexander North
-S: Kai Oliver North
-D: Serena January North
⭐️D: Katrina Carter
D: India Carter
D: Octavia Carter
S: Edward Carter
S: Nathaniel “Nate” Carter
vote up1
DH: Robert Ian Carlsson
DW: Caroline Anneliese {Reynolds} CarlssonDD: Elle Gwendolen {Carlsson} Lawrence
— DH: Grant Oliver Lawrence
— DS: Kellan Shay Lawrence
— DS: Jake Conrad Lawrence
— DS: Kaj Oliver Lawrence
— DD: Felicity Serena LawrenceDS: Coen Anton Carlsson
DS: Kieran Alexander Carlsson
DS: Damian Michael Carlsson
DS: Asher Leonard Carlsson
DD: Ivey Julienne Carlsson
vote up1
DH: Rupert Ivor Churchill
DW: Prosperine Evelyn "Perrie" Churchill, née TugwellDS: Cary Seymour Churchill
- DH: Deogracias Estuardo "Deo" Núñez
-- ADD: Apolonia Renata "Apple" Núñez-Churchill
-- ADS: Cirio Gabriel Núñez-Churchill
-- ADD: Agniya Elisabeth "Aggie" Núñez-Churchill
-- ADS: Matéo Boniface Núñez-ChurchillDS: Henry Othello "Hal" Churchill
DD: Isabel Eunice "Izzie" Churchill
DD: Joanna Octavia "Jo" Churchill
DS: Lesley Stephan "Les" Churchill
DS: Donnelly Ferdinand "Donn" Churchill
vote up1
H: Reese Isaiah Coogan
W: Carla Alice [Reitzell] CooganD1: Elle Emiliana [Coogan] Nasralla
D2: Kat Evelyn Coogan
D3: Keely Aurelia Coogan
S1: Broderick Thomas Coogan
S2: Asher Leif Coogan
S3: Levi Joseph CooganReese & Carla || Elle, Kat, Keely, Brody, Asher and Levi***D1: Elle Emiliana [Coogan] Nasralla
H: Daniel Elio Nasralla DS: Kellen Warren Nasralla
DD: Coralie Maxine Nasralla
DS: Samuel Oliver Nasralla
DD: Felicity Alexis Nasralla
vote up1
W: Romola Irene Collingwood
H: Cecil Algernon ReddingD: Gwendolen Phoebe Redding
-H: Dashiell Edmund Norcross
--D: Renata Adelaide Norcross
--S: Conrad Lothar Norcross
--D: May Monika Norcross
--S: Frederick Boniface NorcrossS: Othello Anton Redding
D: Eponine Dagmar Redding
D: Philomena Moira Redding
S: Reuven Leonard Redding
S: Ferdinand Joseph Redding
vote up1
Ĥ: Reuben Idony Campo [they/he]
Sp: Caliste Amor Rye [it/they] D1: Juliette Calanthia "Jette" Rye-Campo [she/her]
S1: Mayson Othello Rye-Campo [he/they]
Š2: Schuyler Thad Rye-Campo [they/them]
D2: Philomena Jana "Finn" Rye-Campo [she/her]
C1: Lesley Reuven Rye-Campo [they/ce]
S3: Tatius Keelan Gruffudd Rye-Campo [he/him] --- D1: Juliette Calanthia "Jette" Rye-Campo [she/her]
Bf: Gabriel Odessa Lécuyer [he/him] Ď1: Jackalyn Karla "Jackie" Lécuyer [they/she]
D2: Beatricia London "Bea" Lécuyer [she/they]
D3: Danette Sue Lécuyer [she/her]
C: Lexus Valentina Lécuyer [she/her]
vote up1
SO: Raisa Isabella Robson nee Chaykovskaya
SO: Casper Alban Robson
DD: Juno Emiliana Robson
DD: Mary Yveline Robson
DD: Eponine Aurelia Robson
DD: Lilou Octavia Robson
DD: Roze Valencia Robson
DS: Levi Nathaniel RobsonRaisa & Casper
Juno | Mary | Eponine | Lilou | Roze | Levi***DD: Juno Emiliana Norton nee Robson
SO: Dexter Elias Norton
DD1: Jaime Adelaide Norton
DD2: Chloe Nektaria Norton
DS1: Kaj Gregory Norton
DS2: Ander Frederick NortonJuno & Dexter
Jaime | Chloe | Kaj | Ander***
vote up1
H: Ferdinand Adam Beethoven
W: Cecílie Alžběta RůžičkováS: Jan Alden Beethoven
- W: Darja Edita Navrátilová
-- D: Adelaide Renata Beethoven
-- S: Elias Conrad Beethoven
-- D: May Florencia Beethoven
-- S: Frederick Moses BeethovenS: Hal Jens Beethoven
D: Isabel Dagmar Beethoven
D: Octavia Milena Beethoven
S: Asher Leif Beethoven
S: Levi Nathaniel Beethoven
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SO1: Ryan Ivor Collins
SO2: Chiara Abril Ruiz ZamoraS1: Jan Alden Collins Ruiz
-DW: Dorothy Ellen Nickson
—D1: Bernetta Min Collins Nickson
—S1: Alex Gabriel Collins Nickson
—D2: Elisabet May Collins Nickson
—S2: Jace Everett Collins Nickson

S2: Max Anton Collins Ruiz
S3: Raf Kenneth Collins Ruiz
D: Milena Jane Collins Ruiz
S4: Eddy Stephan Collins Ruiz
S5: Joseph Cai Collins Ruiz

This message was edited 8/18/2024, 2:35 AM

vote up1
DW: Faith Atlantis (Bonaventura) Redmond
DH: Carter Ashwin RedmondDS: Carter "Cary" Ashwin Redmond, Jr.
-DW: Darcy Elizabeth (North) Redmond
--DS: Daniel "Dany" Isidore Redmond
--DS: Christopher "Kip" Gabriel Redmond
--DD: Abigail "Abi" Elizabeth Redmond
--DD: Valentina "Tina" Felicity RedmondDD: Nephele Mary Redmond
DS: Schuyler Mitchell Redmond
DD: Electra Jane Redmond
DS: Leonard Edonis "Eddy" Redmond
DS: Timur "Tim" Keelan Redmond
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DW: Rachel Isabella (Cameron) Ross
DH: Christopher Aaron RossDS: Jared Alden (Ross) Ross-Nicholson
-DH: David Ezra (Nicholson) Ross-Nicholson
--DS: Willem Brian Ross-Nicholson
--DD: London Olympia Ross-Nicholson
--DD: Carola Hailie Ross-Nicholson
--DS: Ander Noel Ross-NicholsonDD: Sara Denise Ross
DS: Kieran Gareth Ross
DD: Elektra Jane Ross
DS: Asher Kam Ross
DS: Joseph Levi Ross
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