[Games] Life Simulator
1: Choose one gender.
2: Click any black places (Test: secret text). You can only choose one in each question.Gender
Male (if so, click one of these to the right, this will be your name Dylan Conrad Warren)
Female (if so, click one of these to the right, this will be your name Sherry Anna Judith)
Day 1:
You need to marry someone. Do you want a wife or husband?
Wife You found the perfect wife.
Husband You found the perfect husband.
Day 2:
Today is the day you are planning the wedding. You will get married 2 days after your first child is born (when they become a toddler).Who is invited is (click as many black spaces here as you want):
Your future child
Your friends
Your coworkers
Family members
Day 3:
You had a child! It's a Boy Girl!
Name the child.
Male: Jason George Christopher Luke Jack
Female: Carla Felicia Maria Julia Cecilia
Day 4:
The wedding is tomorrow! Your husband/wife is setting up the traditions. They will be (click more than one black space, also click the last one):
Get Married!
Day 5:
Your child aged up into a toddler!
There is a natural disaster in a few hours!
The wedding is today!
At the wedding, your husband/wife invited a friend. you got married! you didn't get married.
Day 6:
You had another child! It's a boy! girl!
Name the child.
Male: Jason George Christopher Luke Jack
Female: Carla Felicia Maria Julia Cecilia
The End.I enjoy making my own name games here.

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Sherry found the perfect husband and invited her friends and family to the wedding and had music and flowers. She had a son named George and, later, a girl named Felicia.
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Judith and her soon-to-be husband had a baby boy they named Christopher. The wedding went well, everyone was invited, there was dancing and flowers, and in spite of a natural disaster Judith and her man got married without issue. Later on they had another child, a girl they named Julia.
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S: Luke Christopher
D: Julia Maria

This message was edited 8/19/2024, 12:22 AM

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I’m Anna.C1: Felicia Cecilia
C2: Christopher George Great game!
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