[Opinions] Alternatives To The Top 20 Most Popular Names - Female Edition
According to Nameberry, here are some alternatives for the top girl names in the US. Which name do you like better - the popular one or the alternative?1 Olivia or Olympia
2 Emma or Alma
3 Charlotte or Colette
4 Amelia or Amalia
5 Sophia or Fiona
6 Mia or Pia
7 Isabella or Marcella
8 Ava or Ida
9 Evelyn or Elowen
10 Luna or Lumi
11 Harper or Harbor
12 Sofia or Alessia
13 Camila or Paloma
14 Eleanor or Leonora
15 Elizabeth or Beatrice
16 Violet or Viola
17 Scarlett or Zahara
18 Emily or Amelie
19 Hazel or Fern
20 Lily or Lilia


Olympia. Olivia is fine, but it's not interesting in the slightest.
Emma. Emma is dull but Alma feels dusty.
Charlotte, although I strongly dislike both.
Amelia. Amalia is clunkier and not that different - she'd constantly be going 'No, AmAlia not AmELia', not worth it.
Sophia. Sophia is nice, every Fiona I've ever known in person has been utterly horrible.
Mia. I dislike it, but I really, really dislike Pia.
Isabella. Marcella is icy.
Ava. Ida is clunky.
Elowen. Evelyn is meh, Elowen is pretty.
Lumi. I don't like it that much, but I don't like Luna at all.
Harper. I dislike it, but Harbor is silly.
Sofia. Sophia is nicer than Sofia, but Alessia is all frill.
Paloma. Camila is dated.
Leonora. Never liked Eleanor that much, but Lenore / Leonor / Leonora are all fine.
Beatrice. Never been a fan of Elizabeth but Beatrice has potential.
Violet. Violet is a flower, Viola is an instrument... it just feels a bit too wordy and unnatural for a name, I don't know why.

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I like these the best!1 Olivia or Olympia (Love both of these)
2 Alma
3 Colette
4 Amalia
5 Fiona
6 Pia
7 Isabella
8 Neither
9 Evelyn or Elowen (Love both of these also!)
10 Luna
11 Harbor
12 Sofia
13 Paloma
14 Neither
15 Elizabeth
16 Viola
17 Scarlett or Zahara (Love both of these)
18 Amelie
19 Hazel
20 Neither
1 Olivia - Olympia feels too mythological/athletic
2 Alma - it's less popular, like the meaning, like the university connotation
3 Charlotte - Colette feels incomplete. I prefer Nicolette.
4 Amelia - honestly, they are one name to me
5 Fiona - this one was hard. I like the meaning of Sophia, but its popularity goes on my nerves. Fiona feels fresh.
6 Mia - don't usually favor this type of names, but Mia feels sweet and warm. Like it despite its popularity.
7 Marcella - always have liked the sound. It's quite dated in my country (as Marcela), but I think it's beautiful.
8 Ava - hard one again. Ava is super popular but I like both the sound and the fact that it means life (I'm collecting such names). Ida is pretty, too! Hope it won't become as common as Ava.
9 Elowen - it's the type of name every medieval/fantasy lover and name nerd seems to love, but right now it feels more intriguing than Evelyn
10 Luna - Lumi feels more like a brand name, and it reminds me of light rather than snow
11 Harper - actually like it, it reminds me of harps and soft music. Harbor is quite harsh to say, but I don't dislike it either.
12 Alessia - like Alicia and this is close enough. Sofia is on the edge of tedious to me.
13 Paloma - like the sound and meaning, it feel friendlier than Camila

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This message was edited 8/20/2024, 4:52 AM

I liked the original popular one 19/20. Lumi was the exception - really dislike Luna as a name! 1. Olivia
2. Emma
3. Charlotte
4. Amelia
5. Sophia
6. Mia
7. Isabella
8. Ava
9. Evelyn
10. Lumi
11. Harper
12. Sofia
13. Camila
14. Eleanor
15. Elizabeth
16. Violet
17. Scarlett
18. Emily
19. Hazel
20. Lily
1. Olivia
2. Emma
3. Charlotte
4. Amelia
5. Fiona
6. Neither but if I have to choose Mia
7. Isabella
8. Ida
9. Evelyn
10. Luna
11. Harper
12. Sofia
13. Camila
14. Eleanor
15. Elizabeth
16. Viola
17. Scarlett
18. Emily
19. Fern
20. LiliaI was surprised to see myself mostly choosing the popular names. I guess they're popular for a reason.
1 Olivia or Olympia - Olivia
2 Emma or Alma - neither; Alma at gunpoint
3 Charlotte or Colette - Colette
4 Amelia or Amalia - neither
5 Sophia or Fiona - Fiona
6 Mia or Pia - neither
7 Isabella or Marcella - neither, but either Isobel or Marcelle
8 Ava or Ida - neither
9 Evelyn or Elowen - Evelyn
10 Luna or Lumi - neither
11 Harper or Harbor - neither at any price
12 Sofia or Alessia - Sophia
13 Camila or Paloma - Camilla
14 Eleanor or Leonora - Eleanor
15 Elizabeth or Beatrice - both; Elizabeth only a mn
16 Violet or Viola - neither
17 Scarlett or Zahara - neither
18 Emily or Amelie - Emily
19 Hazel or Fern - neither
20 Lily or Lilia - neitherVery interesting!

This message was edited 8/20/2024, 12:11 AM