[Opinions] Rita
There’s an ADORABLE toddler at the nursery I volunteer at called Rita. Her parents are obviously really call - their one year old is called Rita, and wears a baggy brown dress and a beaded necklace. Anyway I’ve started taking a liking to the name. It sounds a lot like other favourites of mine - Rivka, Ruth, Eva, Margaret. What do you think of Rita?


It's loud, brassy, and inelegant. I was once told I looked like a Rita and felt very offended.
I like it, my aunt's nn her name is Marita, also have a cousin Laurita nn Rita
I really like Rita! I think of Hollywood stars/characters with chutzpah.
I was at school with a delightful Rita, and then of course the Beatles' song about lovely Rita the meter maid ... who can resist?
I think it could be really fun and quirky if used the right way. It's a cute name! I like how it's got a touch of the absurd to it, it feels very unexpected, which gives it a lot of personality. I get that feeling from a lot of names that are just on the cusp between being dated and coming back into style. They're fun.Rita was my great grandma's name, so I always think of it as a very proud, "high maintenance queen" type of name. It's very regal to me.

This message was edited 8/20/2024, 2:30 PM

This first part is exactly how I feel about Rita!
Rita isn’t my personal style, but I could see myself warming up to it if I knew someone with that name.
I knew a Rita who was an emotionally fragile individual due to years of physical and mental abuse from her husband. The name also makes me think of actress Rita Hayworth who was born Margarita. She had Alzheimer's when she was in her prime.A Google search turned up this description of someone named Rita: "It is a strong and independent name that is often associated with creativity, passion, and determination. People with this name turn out to be graceful, elegant, and helpful."OK, now I wish I was named Rita myself!
It’s not my style, but I do think it’s awesome to see it on a toddler!
I've been warming up to it. I had a teacher with this name, a very wise woman, so I find it serene and sensible. I prefer it as a nickname for Marguerite.